Hunger on my long day test with Infinit?
I completed my 1st long day test yesterday. Everything went well, but I have some questions about nutrition. I have been using Infinit nutrition on my rides & long runs & it sits well in the gut. What I learned yesterday when putting in 6hrs is I got really hungry 2 miles into my run. So hungry that I stopped at a store & ate a snickers bar & a Kashi bar. I felt better right away. I have not experienced this before, but I also have not put in this much time before.
I had a large breakfast in the am before my workout.
Swim at 12pm & took in 140cal and some water durring my swim (3000yds)
Got on the bike & rode for 3hrs 50m. I took in 50oz of water with infinit. About 700cal.
I ran without anything 6m, but stopped to pickup a snickers & a Kashi bar half way.
Looking back I think I would of been ok if I had eaten a bannana when I got off the bike. This was a learning experience, but is this just an indication I didn't take in enough on the bike.
Thanks, Kirk
It definetly sounds like you didn't take in enough on the bike. How many cal per hour are you targeting? Is there any protien in you ride mix? What nutrition do you have planned for the run?
I have used mini snickers bars in the past during the bike, I try to eat them about half way thru my ride so the are somewhat digested before the run. I also take honey stingers to munch on.
Everyone is individual. I can race comfortably on 200-250cals/hr, all liquid, and never feel hungry, the need to eat solid food, etc. We tell you to try 200-250cal/hr because that number has worked for a LOT of people.
If it were me, I think I would have a bar, with water only, in the last hour of the bike vs trying to eat at the start of the run. What you should realize about the IM run is that you've been going for a long, long time, you're hot, you're tired, and your body is on the razor's edge in many respects. It's best to start out with a very simple, very conservative plan (ie, as few calories as possible, liquid only) that you an up/increase calories if you feel you need to.
The Infinit I have been using has about 278 calories per mixed bottle with 3% protein. I have a mix I made up for the run, but have not tried it yet. It it about the same but lacks the Protein. I would have guessed around 275 cal per hr would be ok. I am around 142lbs and very lean.