WTB: Bike Pump Adaptor for Discs
Been using a wheel cover from Wheelbuilder.com for a year. It would make my life a ton easier if I had that adaptor that works for these angles and small openings. Just looking for used before I head to all3sports.com and pay full retail.
Got any laying around?
I have been thinking about getting one as I'm tired of shoving my pump end into the little opening. Is it a two-person job to use one?
B/c you can no longer lock onto the valve itself (you'll be locking the pump head on to the crack pipe), it's ideally a 2person job.
I can do it by myself, but it's an effort to hold the crack pipe on the valve, and a super effort to pump up to 120psi with 1 arm
If you have trouble, I'm sure you can find someone in transition that would be willing to hold it on or pump for you.
Jordan Rapp once posted a link on ST to a company that sells small compressed air cylinders that can be used like CO2 to inflate latex tubes pre race or on the road. I didn't save the link though because they were like 3x the cost and size, so I didn't think it was worth it.