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EN Job Marketing and Sponsorship Coordinator (Part Time)

Marketing and Sponsorship Coordinator (Part Time)

Endurance Nation is looking for a part-time Marketing and Sponsorship Coordinator. The ideal candidate will have a few years of triathlon experience, and knowledge of both the seasonal schedule but the primarily brands in the multisport space.


You will be detail-oriented and able to work both one some incremental tasks as well as provide thought leadership on how to translate the Endurance Nation brand into a powerful national and global presence on the triathlon scene.


This position is part-time and will start in May/June of 2011. Salary will be commensurate upon experience. If you are interested, please email admin@endurancenation.us with “Marketing and Sponsorship Coordinator Info Request” in the subject line. We’ll send you a more detailed list of responsibilities before you decide to fully apply for the position.


We'll open the position to the general public on 4/22, so please apply early and often. 


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