Input on bike fit please
I've read the bike fit ebook and been cycling for many years so have a pretty good feel for bike fit. That said, there's a wealth of knowledge here that I wanted to tap into and see if there are any suggested tweaks I should try.
Thanks in advance.
Your arms look too far forward. Elbows should be more under the shoulder for support.
I'm no expert, by the way.
I agree with Matt. You're reaching a bit too much. I think your seat might be too far back. You also have a hell of a stall at the top of your revolution. Watch how your foot has the weird hitch at the top of your motion. You're pulling your foot up as opposed to following a natural circular motion. I'm not sure if your seat is too high or your cleats are in a bad position.
And I'm no expert either.
Bob - on the 'hitch'...I haven't noticed that...I wonder if it's because I wasn't pedaling normally in the video, rather soft pedaling to better show my position in the video.
Appreciate the inputs.
When I take a video of my fit I typically start in the poistion I feel most comfortable (after a long warmup or workout). Then I move my elbows forward and back about 1-2cm and also my but forward and back 1-2cm. This way as I'm looking at the video, i have a ton of options to compare.
Then I change the saddle position or stem and repeat the full process again.
BTW, agree with the others... your reach looks a little long but it may be because the camera is to low and close to the rear of the bike. I would change the camera angle and either mover your seat forward 1-2cm or your elbow pads back 1-2cm.