Mac and online (not WKO+) training peaks account
2nd question - have looked through forum but still confused.
I run a mac. Hate windows so parallels/fusion etc not an option, therefore no WKO+.
I use my mac to upload my garmin files to my (paid subscription) training peaks account. Says online that trainingpeaks can receive power files from all the major devices. Would I be able to continue to use my online training peaks account to analyze my power from a Joule then (thereby bypassing need for a separate WKO+, PowerAgent, RaceDay, etc) program?
Confused. Thanks in advance
I've been experimenting with the various power software products lately. I've been a long time WKO user and last year upgraded to the latest version. Two years ago we became a Mac house and have used it for everything but my "sports" stuff. I kept an old PC around and loaded up WKO, Garmin and a few other things that just work better in PC mode. I set up Parallels on the Mac but it was glitchy for me and I had a hard time getting some of the products to work.
About 4 months ago I upgraded my TrainingPeaks account from free to paid. I was using the free version as a backup and simply sync'd all my WKO workouts with TP. I am really trying to get everything onto the Mac. I use the TP device agent to upload Garmin and Joule data to TP and it works really well. I am pleasantly surprised at the paid TP accounts. Yeah, it's not free, but it's a pretty good product. It does everything quite well. The power analysis is not as good as WKO, but again, it's pretty good. It's really hard to slice and dice, create ranges and do analysis on the fly, but if you use the interval button on the Joule, it helps a lot. My workaround is to mainly use the TP account from my Mac browser, but if I want to spend time looking a a file, I've set up my WKO to sync with TP, so I power up the laptop, push all the files from TP back to the PC and then look at the files I want to examine in further detail.
There are other products out there for the Mac. I've tried the software that comes with the Joule, and I don't think it's very good. Many EN members use Golden Cheetah. I have no experience with this product, but it appears to get good reviews. I find that "Power Speak" is WKO, and it has become the industry standard.
Anyway happy to share screen shots of TP or give more advice on setup if you like.