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Coach P Update: April/May 2011

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Coach Patrick here with another quick life update. For those of you who don't care for all the sharing, just skip to the next thread!  image


Our moving saga continues. We are finally done with the renovations to our place so we can close this Thursday. This means moving out on Wednesday, so we are living amidst more boxes than I care to disclose.


The good news is that although we'll be in a Boston-area apartment for two months, we do have a place down in Barrington. It's a great house, more than enough room and in the perfect neighborhood for us -- just a lot of good luck and house-hunting I guess! 


I head down there on Wednesday afternoon to do the inspection and meet some of the contractors who'll be helping us get the house ready. 


All of this before we leave, Saturday AM, for a week in Disney on our first ever family vacation. 


I will be online and will be doing my best to keep up with all of my regular work, it just might be at odd intervals! 


Thanks for all your help and support…


Coach P

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