Joule Setup for Power / HR ?
I was just getting everything set up for the new Quarq / Joule combo. I was able to get all of the sensors set up pretty easily but now have a question on the Joule setup.
I figured there might be a way to auto calculate the zones but I only seem to be able to find the screen to manually enter each power / hr zone. If that's the case, I was wondering how the Joule calculates NP, as I won't be entering an actual FTP value.
Those zone terms don't quite line up with Training Peaks either and I'm just wanting to make sure and get it set up properly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated .
Setting up your Joule via PowerAgent offers the chance to put in a customized FTP, and PA will autocalc Zones (using their formula). Done via "Edit User", far left on the icon menu. If you don't set the FTP, Joule will use an arbitrary default (250?).
But you don't need an personalized FTP for Normalized Power to be calculated and displayed. The FTP is needed for IF and TSS calculations, as well as the autocalc of the zones (which we should ignore @ ;EN).
Don't worry about having the zones configured on your Joule...or at least I don't. The numbers I have in my head when I ride are:
On the Joule I have:
Current watts Normalized Power
Speed IF
Ride time Distance
When riding I try to make the current watts always be greater than Normalized Power. This drives up the IF, which I'm always trying to drive up. This creates an evil positive feedback loop. I have a KJ goal, but more as a number to hit so I can eat something today and not be starving
. IF and TSS goals for the ride, based on my history with this particular training route. When doing big climbing rides I may change speed to an altitude field and use it to display gain, as I usually know what my total gain for the ride is going to be. Lately I've been experimenting with creating a w/kg field but I've found the number bounces around too much to be very useful.
I'm with Rich. I totally ignore zones and have two numbers memorized. FT and 85% of FT. Looking at Rich's data screen, I've got:
Watts NP
Time HR
thanks for the tips on what to put on the screen too. I'll test a few things out. I think tonight's ride will be on the trainer, so I don't end up in the ditch trying to adjust / fiddle wtih things.
you need to force your FT value in Power Agent and then download it to the Joule. It will then correctly calculate the TSS and IF
no manual required
open PA, select user (your name) and double click
select power zones
tweak until FT = the right number
click OK
click on icon to configure device, replace Joule data with PA data
Thanks again