Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 5 Dec. OS


Hope everyone had a great Xmas, got through today’s 2x15@100% then 2x15@85% but felt like I was burning last night’s prime rib and cheese cake. Will be happy to get all of this junk food out of my house and get back to normal.  looks like R&P have more fun workouts for us in week 5, nice to know I'm not doing them alone.



  • Week five looks kinda not unlike week 4. RnP keeping a similar intensity and maybe mixing it up a bit to keep things "new and exciting" image . Although 3 x 10 @ 95-100 next sat looks "interesting".
  • I did Sat. 2 X 15's today .  Legs were quite tired after running 15 on Friday and 11 on Saturday with the Holiday run challenge.   Planning on getting a run in later today after I coach my daughters b-ball game.  Trying to keep up with Mike Hedman.    

    Did my first ever Bikram yoga class yesterday, quite intense, felt great afterwards.

  • Did 60' run today w/2 x mile in Z4. Wouldn't have been tough except for the wind (15-18 mph).
  • Terry,

    Wind had been crazy here too - let up a bit today. Are you doing the Run Challenge?
  • Is it too late to get in?  what are the rules?

  • Finished up the bike early this morning and snuck in a quick 2 mile run for the challenge! Keeping up with the OS plan and running the challenge this week has just plain worn me out, not much left in the legs. I will get a short and I am sure somewhat slow run in tomorrow the finish up the challenge and then a restful day. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year.
  • I'm with you Mike, very short run tomorrow just to get the 8 consecutive days in.    I will also be doing Thursdays 2 X12's  tomorrow, chose to run long instead today to hit 75 miles for the week.

    Body is telling me it's time for a little break, will be taking a few days off and get ready to hit week 6 hard.

    Happy New Year !!!!

  • Hi all & Happy New Year! - starting week 5 tomorrow (Mon 4th) - good to get the 4 weeks done without any issues. Thinking of retesting Tuesday, FTP seems 10-15w too light which is cool - getting used to the trainer once again and pacing the intervals. Thinking I may be cheating a tad by waiting until week 8 to retest, I'll see what RnP think.........

    Anyone else starting week 5?
  • Finished week 5 today.

    Yesterdays bike was difficult for me but I managed to get it done at the specified intensities.

    Todays run was bad it was 18° and 20MPH+ wind - I couldn't breath deeply thought the balaclava and my mojo was just low. Did not finish the MS. I'm hoping to bounce back strong for the Wed run.
  • I hear you Cary - bike wasn't too tough yesterday, but my new running rule is 20° or less = treadmill (today started at 6°). Does your EN workout schedule automatically change to the next week Saturday night at midnight? I have to be careful not to do the next Sunday's workout each weekend :-)
  • I do not have a treadmill (i've never used one - can you believe it). Might have to do the gym membership. As Jan is worse and Dec here on LI. So I've been doing all my sessions outside. Rain, snow, ice, noreaster. I know it's making me mentally tougher. Definitely looking forward to running in Hermosa Beach and riding in Palos Verdes in a few weeks image

    Yeah the work out switches, but I download the PDF in the beginning of the week and use that. If I need a quick reference, I go to the popup schedule. But I always check the PDF before I do my session. They'll nail the week switching thing soon.
  • Even snowed this morning on the 'sunny' south coast of England! Decided to run anyways and see what it was like - 3" of fresh powder on my local trail which was OK and grippy for my scheduled 4 x1mile intervals. Did extra stretching focusing on the calves as suggested by super EN'er Leigh Boyle (see Medical Thread) and they made a real difference! :-)  Few days off running now, hopefully the rest will sort out my injury woes.........

    Also, first real interval session using the pre-programmed 310XT - worked a treat!

  • G'day! Feeling pretty knackered (you use that word over the pond?! If not, means tired :-) ) - Day off today but did a morning swim session for an hour and then had a short run over lunch - got a buddy to video me running around so you guys can critique my form, or rather lack of!
    Been a thinking about this running lark quite a bit - being new to running I'm trying to gather as much fedback from the team as possible..........

    Looking forwards to saturday bike, will be trainer again - see that it includes some over FTP action, cool!

    Contemplate the running over a nice glass of rioja!
  • After a couple of hard day’s I like to use the adjective “ my legs feel wasted”, now I know from my experience in England you use that term… if not, I know a lot of people live that term

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