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What's The EN Approach to Running Hills?

Due to the recent change in the IMCDA run course (which now involves a significant hill to run 2X) I am thinking more about how to include hill running in my training.  I have LOTS of hills on which to train and I'd like to know where, when and how to use them.

I know in the plan there is an "UPHILL Strides" run workout but does that constitute "hill repeats"?

Any advice would be appreciated. 



  • The hill isn't that bad, nothing to consider changing anything in your training. You'll just keep going up it a bit longer than you normally would, it will flatten out and you "might" get a little downhill before flipping it again to come back down. Just depends on how far past the old turnaround they put the new turnaround. In other words, this hill doesn't really add anything unusual to the course that you need to train unusually for. That said, I tend make my hard runs hillier as well as I find it's mentally easier and less stress on my legs to run hard up a hill vs flat. I just don't usually purposely run fast(er) on the downhill, as that's quite stressfull on your legs and joints.
  • We will run the new course this weekend and will report our impressions in forum. FWIW- I have ran it before in the CDA open marathon (twice) and I totally agree with Rich. I actually wodnered why the IM course didn't go further up before in order to cut out some of the chasing your tail around in the first part of the run. I'll see this weekend if adding 112 miles changes my mind.
  • @Jim- there is only one hill i have heard of or seen that almost requires training for as far as running goes, and that is the Rhode Island 70.3. It was just incredible...the x games used it for street street luge at one point. I will be tuning in to what the CdA on-course RR guys report.

    @Michael- I have not done an IM before...but I bet the hill will seem a little more daunting post 112 miles on he bike! No big deal though...the hill won't last any longer than these damn z3 intervals during my long runs. You/we will be well prepared I believe. You guys have fun and get it done this weekend! Wish I was going to be there!
  • It's just a hill, nothing special, like the thousands you've biked or ran over. You will likely barely notice it when you ride at the start of each lap of the bike.
  • I like the hills.  I ran most of them at IMSG two years ago and had my best marathon in an IM.  I just have a bad memory (IMCDA was my first IM back in 2008) of what the turnaround is like.  I remember I walked it on the 2nd lap.  

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