What do you do for protein on the bike if you drink Perform from the course?
I have been trying to use Infinit for the long bike rides on the weekend. I do like it and it sits well on my stomach. I had planned on using Infinit for the bike for upcoming Kansas 70.3 and then using Perform on the run. I have protein in my bike formula and it seems to work.
The problem is that as the weather is getting warmer and and my concentrated drink sits on the bike for 3 hrs, I can't stand to drink it when it gets really warm. Got me thinking more seriously about getting Perform and water from the course so hopefully it is cold.
What does everyone do for protein? Do you eat a couple bars during the race? Are there other options? Just curious what you think. I thought I had a good plan but after a couple hot rides I am afraid I won't get the calories and lytes I need because of the Infinit being too warm.
Protein is not necessary. Helps with making you feel full. Lots of folks do HIM and IM without taking any. I did IMWI in 2008 and did not take any on the bike or run and was fine.
I know this doesn't specifically answer your question but thought I would throw it out there. There are gels that contain protein if you wanted to supplement. You could also try an insulated bottle for your InfiniT.
The Infinit doesn't go bad in three hours, I think you're describing a taste thing? Maybe freeze the bottle and put it on your bike race morning?
Isn't that extra propulsion and a competitive advantage to keep people from passing you?

x2 on the Roctane! Wish they sold it in larger conatiners though.