Weigh in 05/11
So responses to this thread have dropped off to zero, but I see several people are still putting their numbers in the spreadsheet. I am thinking that we can move this to the 'body composition accountability group' dashboard after this week. I'll still post a note on the dashboard to all each week with a link to the spreadsheet link. Let me know your thoughts.
I stayed steady this week after a weekend of tons of food, 232 for me.
Here's the usual link to the spreadsheet.
My weight has crept up and stayed up this past month or two, much to my dismay. 138.2 NOT good. 10 lbs up from my previous (pre-crash and pre-surgery norm of 1.5 years ago), 6 lbs up from IMFL in November... argh.
I think I'm eating well and I'd been following the OS as best I could (not running)... a few weeks ago I as able to start doing elliptical without pain and was hopeful that would help... no such luck. I'm in the last 5 or so weeks of HIM plan now- so we'll see. I fear it may be the new birth control Rx I'm on (sorry if it's TMI) - the hormones do cause some women to gain weight. I'd hoped that just changing Rx wouldn't cause me a problem.. but it's possible. We shall see now that I'm officially out of OS... and almost running (able to knock out 15 minutes yesterday and today without too much discomfort).