Home OutSeason (December '09)

Too Late for a Dec OS roll call???

OK, so the Dec OS seems to be kinda the forgotten child here. As I see all of the posts for Jan OS roll call, I think we missed out on doing this for Dec. I'm still a newb here, would one of the EN veterans like to push the group along?

We've got 32 people in the Dec OS group, roughly the same numbers as Oct and Jan (so far). Shall we take a stab at being as vocal as they are?

I know that many of us started on different weeks, but we're here to support each other regardless, right?

So, shall we start an offiicial (month late) Dec OS Roll Call and get to know our training buds a little better?


  • I like it. I have found myself going into the Nov./Oct groups to check out there workouts as I find it helps me with getting my workouts done at 100% even though were not doing the same thing.

    Anyway my name is Jeff Kelley, live in Lake Tahoe and started Triathlon in 05. wanted to get in shape, loose some weight and get fast on my bike. Started with Coach Rich when he was Crucibel fitness as I had a ergomo and had no idea how to best use it. Liked coach R attitude on getting my workouts done with the best ROI as with a demanding job I didn't have the time for long workouts. After about a year with Rich I went off to do my own thing with coach r's knowledge with some success. I have been a lurker for the past year drinking the kool-aid from the outside looking in and just having a hard time making the commitment to The Team. 2009 A race for me was Arizona half Iron and ended up with a 4th age group finish, so being 5 seconds away from collecting some iron thought it was time to get my training a shot in the arm.

    With a wife in her last year in a PHD program (Clinical Physiology) and a 3 year old with more energy than most pro athletes plus a business in a tuff economy half iron has seemed a better fit, maybe ironman Wis in 2011. This year my two A races are Wildflower long course and Lake Stevenson 70.3, with a goal of qualifying for Clearwater.

  • I'm in too.  My name is Dan. New member, wanted to try something new and came along EN and am checking it out.  I started a few years back too but have been sidelined by knee surgeries, but I have done 2 long courses, one half, and 2009 IMLP.  I'm from Oneonta, NY, upstate, never have anyone to train with b/c of my schedule with a young family.  I'm not fast or powerful by any means in this sport, but I like the lifestyle, I like the fitness, and I'm always looking for training insight as to some day maybe do some coaching/fitness testing on the side instead of painting houses or being a dorm supervisor at a music camp!  I started this group late, so I'm only into week 2 of the training, but I have been do some somewhat structured work 5 weeks prior with just bike workouts to save the knee.  I've seen improvement from what I was doing before, but I like the philosophy here and want to give a try.  I did do my run test last week, felt good during, almost puked after, and have been limping a bit since (until today), so the jury's out on whether I want to continue with running plans or wait some more.  I'll continue with the bike since that will be my main focus anyway to get faster.  Plus, I have mucho time since my only race will come in Sept. anyway.  Looking forward to working with all of you, always looking for training partners to me motivated.



  •  I got started in December too.  4 weeks into it and so far, so good.  My A race is IM Louisville 2010.  I am getting back into training after a long hiatus.  My last Ironman was Lake Placid in 2000.  I spent the next 9 years doing virtually nothing until this year when I hit the athletic equivalent of rock bottom so i have a long way to go! 

  • I'm in. Thanks Cary for getting the roll call together!

    I'm new to both EN and to triathlons but have run a few marathons and half marathons (slowly) in the past. I'm a 44 year old hockey player-for-life and had a very serious shoulder injury (and 3 surgeries) in summer 2007. Of course I gained a ton of weight which I started to take off this past summer, mainly through running. During that process I aggravated my IT band and my physical therapist suggested that I "diversify" and so started swimming, which was brand new to me. Enjoyed it and then bought a decent bike in late August. So being an A-type, I of course decided to get into serious long course triathlon training! :-) Nothing like jumping into the deep end to concentrate the mind, no?

    After much lurking and reading I found that I really liked the EN philosophy for busy age-groupers like me with time-consuming jobs and families (in my case, a wife and three kids 12, 8, and almost 5). Started the Dec OS and am really enjoying it although my bike and swim still need a lot of work.

    I've gone ahead and signed up for the Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston in late April as my 45th birthday present to myself (and a trip home for my wife who grew up in Houston). Then I have the Austin Ironman 70.3 in October (which is where we met and got married before moving to Pennsylvania in 2001). And another trip home for my wife the homesick Texan… :-)

    That's about it. Hope this makes sense. I'm very excited about tapping into the knowledge and energy of the team, especially since I'm such a newb and still "drinking from the information firehouse". Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    BTW.. is anybody besides Cary doing the Holiday Run Challenge? It's been a lot of fun and is great motivation.
  • Hello. I'll answer the shout-out. I started in December as well. I should be into week 3, but work and three visits to the emergency room with three sick kids (all better) pushed my first week back. I went to college with Coach Pat and my wife decided that if I was going to do IMFL next year, I might as well get coached.  So joining Team EN was an early X-mas present from her.  I live in Atlanta and look forward to the posts for motivation.

  • Thanks for taking me up on the "Roll Call Challenge". Okay, my turn - I started this right?

    I'm 44 years old (M45-49 in 2010 for those of you counting at home) living in Atlantic Beach, NY. JFK airport is 2.5 miles in straight line from my house - yes I hear planes all the time. I live in a beach town that's anywhere from 25 minutes to 2 hours away from Manhattan depending ... I've been working in the musical equipment/recording industry for 20+ years, I know bands and gear. I'm serious about beer and coffee. And I will put my home espresso and lattes up against any franchise stuff and I might have to start an EN latte art challenge.

    I'm fairly new to endurance sports. I did mostly anaerobic sports previously (volleyball, surfing, mtn biking). I started road biking in 2006 and I did my first Triathlons in 2008. I was never a runner, but I spent a few summers as a lifeguard so while I'm not a super fast swimmer, the water is a comfortable place for me. In 2009 I did two 70.3s a few sprints and an OLY. I decided that an Ironman was "attainable" (something I never imagined), and I watched and signed up for Lake Placid this past July. I "ran" the NY marathon this past year to get a feel for the distance, and I ended up injuring my ankle and knee. The ankle is better, I've got to keep an eye on the knee.

    I have no idea why I "attended" an EN OS webinar last December. it didn't make sense to me then, but after this season, it made a whole lot of sense. Everything that RnP spoke about on the blog and podcasts just clicked and I knew that to do IMLP successfully I had to do it the EN way. I missed the september fall reg by days and got in the haus via the Out Season plan.

    I look forward to "hanging" with my Dec OS peeps and trying to put as much into the team as I get from it. I'm in week 5 now and doing both the Holiday Run and Team Tundra Challenges. I'll be traveling to SoCal next month so I might have to adjust my OS schedule by a week or so.
  • Thanks for getting this started Cary.  I was suppose to be in the Nov. OS but an abdom. injury kept me from running, but I biked the entire month and restarted the OS in Dec.

    This is my second OS with EN but first with a PM.  I think being active in the forums is a great help so hopefully we can get this Dec group rolling.

    I am 46 years old and live in NH.  I did LP in 2009 which was my first IM ( 11:03:00)  My "A" race this coming summer is Wisconsin where I am hoping/planning to qualify for Kona.   I am also doing a 70.3 in June (Mooseman) where I would like to qualify for Clearwater.

    EN helped me immensely last year in acheiving my goals. So far this year the training is going great, although adding the Holiday challenge to an already hard program is kicking my azz.. 

    Looking forward to conversing with you all.  Happy New Year.

  • My turn now? First things first, Thanks Cary for "taking the bull" and finally getting a Dec OS thread going.

    Let me start by saying that I am a Clydesdale, although with the way things are going I just might lose that status pretty quick. I am heading in to my 8th year of tri's and a new age group this year (40-44). I live in western Wyoming so the snow and cold weather forces my inside throughout the winter months, and sometimes during the summer months too. This is my first year with EN and I have to say that I am really happy with my decision to join. I am not just drinking the "kool-aid", but gulping it down as fast as possible.

    I have completed numerous sprints, olys and one 70.3 (5430 Long Course, now know as Ironaman 70.3 Buolder) and several marathons/half marys. This season, after years of saying that I would never do an IM, I registered for IM Arizona. I am not too worried about finishing, what I am worried about is how much am I going to suffer to get to the finish??

    I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you and hearing what everyone has to say.
  • Count me in.  Entering 4th triathlon season. Started triathlon for weight loss and "fitness high". Athletic background - MEAC collegiate swimmer in the early 1980s. 2010 goal to finish IM France standing up, pass the medical tent, and hug my family.

  • Hey Geroge, I'm a newbie too.  Powermeter will soon be your best friend.  The best book I have found for help is Dr. Philip Skiba's book called The Triathlete's Guide to Training with Power.  Excellent resource, easy to read.  WKO+ is an excellent tool for uploading too.

  • Hi Everyone. 44 years old and entering my second year of triathlon, completed one sprint and an oly in 2009 and decided that high level of experience demanded jumping into Kansas 70.3 next summer. I ran high school x-country but haven't done any running until this last year since then so that is my really tough spot right now. Started cycling about five years ago and have dropped about 50# since and have gotten the bug to excel. In addition to the Kansas race my other big goal this summer will be to complete a sub 5 hr century at the Hotter N Hell in August (last year was 5:31)! Look forward to learning and growing with all of you!
  • Hey. I'm John. I live in Virginia Beach. This is my 6th year doing tri's, 2nd season with EN (M35-39AG). I did my first HIM last year (5:30 at Patriots in Williamsburg, VA) which is why I joined EN. I needed the structure. Unbelievably helpful for someone like me who likes to just have a plan laid out and go with it. I don't "follow it into a brick wall" but I like someone else to do the thinking. Have had chronic calf injuries that have kept me from achieving potential as a runner. Pretty strong legs so I am ok at the bike and just got a 2010 P2 so now I might actually be fast. Grew up in the ocean so I can swim. So, I am usually first out of the water, MOP on the bike and then I get smoked on the run. Hoping to change that this season. Two "A" races at only HIM distance this year as I just had my first child 6 weeks ago. Sleep is not plentiful in my house!

    Look forward to keeping up with everyone.


    @ Chuck

      I also was a Clydesdale when I started (221lb) but am now down to 192 with a goal in the mid 180’s; at 6’5” the weight loss has slowed- if only I could give up Guinness!

    @ George

    Never heard of the tri guide to training w/ power? Is it a how to book? Looking at growing my knowledge of power, would really like to have an idiot guide to WKO+

     Didn’t think I would like this high intensity training as much as I do, there is just something about killing yourself in under an hour that is sick and appealing
  • @jeff

    I was once a pretty decent colligate soccer player, trim & fit, but that was a while ago. I am now working really hard to get my weight down and get better/faster. Although, for a "big guy" I usually finish pretty good in the Clydes division.

    Good luck!
  • Jeff, check these out...  http://www.physfarm.com/store/     


    Great resources, let you know what ever you need to know. 

  • Jeff,

    I have the power meter book mentioned below which is a good introduction, but, it is not specific for triathlon.  It had a page or two discussing triathlon.  It also descirbes the FTP test which was helpful.  I plan to check amazon.com for the triathlete power meter guide.  I found EN Power webinar the most helpful so far.  Used it to win my AG (45-49) at the Beach to Battleship 1/2.  Good thing nobody fast showed up.  Would also like to learn more about WKO+ and WKO+ 3.0.


  • Hi December Friends! It is cold in the Pacific NW, but probably not as bad as some of you have it. I am Carly, from Washington, AG W25-29 and just started with EN on December 8. My main race for 2010 is IM Coeur d’Alene…had a different plan in line for training over the next seven months, but when the ‘we have spots on the team’ notice came at the beginning of the month, I decided to jump at it. I really want to be successful (i.e. – finish!!) at CDA, and am confident being with the EN team that I will be.

    I was a rower in college and I guess you could say I have transitioned into being a runner since graduating. (If I could choose any activity to do, it would be to run – so I guess that makes me a runner.) 2009 was my first triathlon season…three sprints and two 70.3’s (Lake Stevens and Longhorn). I cannot swim to save my life, and as much as I am dreading it, swimming is going to have to be part of my OS. I really don’t want to get in the water, but I don’t think I can fudge my way through 2.4 miles of open (cold!) water swimming. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I love, love, love the challenge of triathlon but hate swimming. 


    I’ve been volunteering at IM CDA for the last five years and have been a captain for gear bags for the last three (a huge sorry in advance to anyone that might have had their stuff misplaced in transition!!). On Saturday during gear bag check in, you are asked how many IM’s you have done and I decided that I should be able to answer that with a yes. So, got the permission to take 2010 off to race but promised I would be back as captain in 2011, so this June is pretty important to me. (Enter, EN.)


    Well, guess that is all from me! Hope everyone had a nice holiday and are having fun earning points for the Holiday Run Challenge. Have a great rest of your week and Happy New Year!
  • Hey all, probably better to do a late intro than never!

    My name is Alex, im 21 and have been doing triathlon for 3 years. Im still in college, played collegiate football as a safety for year before messing up my knee. Decided to transition to being a trainer for football and hockey, and started doing tris to stay in shape. I have HIM Racine and IMWI on my list to do this year. Figure my next few years will be filled with medical school, so this might be my only shot for a while.


  • Posted By Alex Carlson on 08 Jan 2010 03:18 PM

    Hey all, probably better to do a late intro than never!

    My name is Alex, im 21 and have been doing triathlon for 3 years. Im still in college, played collegiate football as a safety for year before messing up my knee. Decided to transition to being a trainer for football and hockey, and started doing tris to stay in shape. I have HIM Racine and IMWI on my list to do this year. Figure my next few years will be filled with medical school, so this might be my only shot for a while.


    Welcome Alex, Nice to see you getting started in this game at a young age and doing it right with the proper EN training.


    I'll be joining you at IMWI this year, we have a great group from EN competing there this year.  Where are you from?  What have you done for IM's or 70.3's in the past 3 years?    Does your prior knee injury give you any problems with the intensity of this training?

  • Hey Bob,

    It is quite nice having a group to ask questions, as well as getting the offseason in. I'm from Rochester, Minnesota, but attend St. Olaf currently. I haven't done anything over olympic distances. I have done a few half marathons, but this year will have things much longer than i've ever done. It is a very large step, but I might not have time to attempt this for a while. My boss at work in a human performance lab has been competing in half iornmans for the past two years, and he's been on my case to join him at the distance.

    I was fine for the first two weeks, but then when finals hit, I had to slow down considerably for a week, and then subsequently got quite sick. After recovering from that, I have noticed some knee pain from PFS and chondromalacia, but I changed my bike fit, and am going to go get a shorter crank tomorrow (i've heard others with the condition find this to lessen the knee angle and help. The athletic trainer I work for at school as been helping me out as well. The running has been fine after rehab, but when I'm pushing Z4-5 on the bike, It seems like the pain is stopping me from hitting full potential. I'm thinking of going to talk to the football team doctor this week about the knee pain coming back.




  • Hey Guys

    Been scarce in the haus for the past few weeks due to the "start of year craziness" so thought I'd say hey. I've been doing an indoor race series since November and the last few weeks have yielded some disappointing results. Although the course profiles are quite different from weak to weak, my AVG wattage in the last 5 weeks have been steadily declining despite the midweek sessions feeling pretty good and I'm able to complete those. Granted, I am substituting the Saturday bike workout with the race session (which is basically 40 to 50 minutes intense balls out interval on a computrainer) so I figured this would be reasonably close. Very humbling to say the least when my buddies (non EN buddies) are pulling farther away from me in the standings... grrrrr! Hoping things turnaround soon - might need a couple days OFF the bike to rest the legs...

    In any case, I'm hoping everyone is "recovering" well from the holiday season chaos!

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