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Anyone else getting WKO files full of blanks for data points (from 310XT)

Hello all.

Has anyone else had problems with the Garmin Training Center / WKO interface?  About a week and a half ago, GTC wanted to do an update, so I did it.  However, since then my WKO files have looked like what you see below:

As you can (hopefully) see, the data is very, very granular.  There are a *bunch* of missing values; which was not the case before updating to version 3.6.1.

So, has anyone else seen this problem?

Or, could this possibly have nothing to do with the GTC update.  Note: at the moment I have two 310's and both of them display the same way.  (Yes, I am riding with one on each wrist trying to figure out just what in the heck is going on ---- was having problems with one of them going into Auto Pause while cruising along at 20+....which it isn't doing anymore....).  I have not turned on/off any settings within the 310XT between when the files were good and what you see now.

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated.




  • I haven't had that problem w/my 310xt, but wko+ was not happy when my 310xt was set to autopause.  Once I turned off autopause it seemed to work fine.

  • Joe, I noticed something similiar with my 310 and the latest firmware. I haven't had time to look into it further but my assuption is that it has to do with how garmins smart recording is handled by WKO. The reason I say that is a power file from the same 310 with the same firmware has no dropouts as it has 1-second recording, but when running I see the same thing you do.

    I really wish there was an option to just turn on 1-sec recording on the 310 and I have shared that feedback with Garmin.
  • How are you uploading workouts to WKO?
    Wondering if there is some sort of error in converting/uploading to WKO.
    I upload to Garmin Connect and then export a TCX file that I import to WKO?
    I haven't noticed anything strange but I will look more closely tonight.
  • I have the same problem with my 310XT. It will drop to zero power data input and auto-pause for a second, then immediately auto-resume again. It only does it about 3-5 times in a 2-3 hour ride, but it is annoying when looking at the data. It did it both on my trainer and during outdoor rides. I have the latest updates for the 310XT and WKO+ too.  I wish there was a solution, but I think it is all due to issues with the 310XT and not with any mode of transferring the data to the WKO+. The data is getting stored with errors in the 310XT.  Maybe we can ping on Garmin for any help, or see if they are working on a solution to the data dropouts. I know I have seen that issue on their forums too.

  • it looks like there are a few differnet issues being discussed in this thread.

    just to be claer, my 310xt and wko have worked perfectly for the majority of the last year, I just started to see this issue recently and in my case it is only while running. On the bike I have zero drop outs.

    @Ed - do you have all other sensorts turned off in the 310? I see the same issue you discribe if I have the HR turned on but I don't have the strap on. THe reason for this is that it searchs for all devices that are turned on but not active ever 20-30 minutes and when it searches it drops other data coming in. Once I turned the speed/cadence/hr off in the 310 I never again had the problem you describe. BTW - it is not an issue, garmin did this by design as this allows you to change sports and find different devices during different legs of the race without having to mess with settings or rescaning.
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