Joining EN with injury
I am in my trial membership and my chronic hamstring issue has flaired up again. I want to jump into a program in prep for IM Arizona but probably will be limited in my running for a short time. Can the program be adjusted to my limited running or should I hold off in joining until I am healthy enough to participate fully?
Welcome, I am currently on the no running list as well as doing IMAZ. I plan on doing some water running in place of reg runs right now. So yes you can join and then modify the plan (as a bunch of us do) to fit your needs for the moment.
Welcome to EN!
Absolutely will you still get a great bang for your buck. I spent the first 3 months of the OS not running due to piriformis injury. Plan was modified by CoachR and then eased back into running with a purpose. I probably would have jumped in too quick but I heeded the advice and am pretty much recovered and making run progess now. Whatever you decide, you will benefit from EN, now or later!
Yes, the plan can be adjusted, but probably a little different from you might think of adjusted:
The first bullet is $$$$$ 1:1 coaching. The 2nd and 3rd bullets are how we do it, saving you about $300/mo, but requiring you to ask us for guidance and then being responsible for applying that guidance to your plan vs having it automagically drop out of the sky onto your laptop.
This is how we've worked for 4yrs across hundreds of athletes. I would encourage you to ask our members if they've found the EN "team coaching" model to be a good one for helping them work through training situations like yours.
Welcome. As others have said the plans can be modified. I did not run for the first two months of the out season (OS) last year. Many options also head over to the medical help forum we have some really knowledgable people if you need any advise in this area.