race bike nutrition change.
Thinking of changing my bike race nutrition. Perpeteum had been fine in the past, but I seem to be getting less tolerant of this now. Am 6-6 and 185 pounds. 300 calories/hour or a bit less works ok for me.
Will be trying different options:
1) Coach Rich has talked about getting whatever is on the course. So with Perform drink, gels, and the occasional power bar, I can get my needs. I tolerate all the stuff ok just less convenient to be dealing with grabbing and wrappers on the bike.
2) Change to Infinit. I am working on my formula with the company. I’d like to do a 5-6 hour bottle. This possible ?
3) For hot days when super hydration is needed, two full bottles of Perform would meet my water and calorie needs. Downside to guzzling that much Perform per hour?
Thoughts on all?
Nutrition Guidance for Ironman + Half Iron Training and Racing (webinar slides and audio)
and listen to Mike from Infinit. Excellent webinar.
A lot of what you do depends on your personal fueling phillosophy. Some people like to live off the course. It is one less thing to think about packing and dealing with. You need to be absolutely positive it works for you and that you are happy with the flavors that will be offered on the course.
The number of hours you can fit in a bottle depends on how many calories you can physically fit in there. Why not do a bottle that gets you half way (3 hours) and have another 3 hour bottle in your special needs bag. I think that would be too many calories to deal with and can see the possibility of it really going wrong if you don't dliute it properly.
As far as 2 bottes of Perform - that is something that your body will tell you if you can do or not. You just have to try it and see how happy your stomach/GI tract is with that.
Is there a webinar on the Infinit site? I signed up for consult but need to call them back - always too busy at the office...
1. It tastes like shit... even with my flavor strength dialed down to almost nothing.
2. It doesn't dilute properly. You can't get much water in there with 10+ scoops of Infinit in the bottle. You'd have to be real careful with that concoction.
3. Did I mention it tastes like shit?
One three hour bottle on the bike and another three hour bottle in your BSN is probably the best bet if using Infinit.
Ok thanks all.
I am going to experiment with the on course stuff.
But I am going to try this for primary bike use:
1) one 20 oz bottle of Perform per hour. 2) one Clif Shot Rok every 15 minutes. 3) Water per the conditions.
Very simple if works and very precise. Gives me all the requirments::: calories (283) , carbs, a bit off protein, sodium (611).
There is no specials needs in Regensburg (family hand out zone but my last German relative died about 400 years ago). The Roks can easily fit in Bento Bag. I like the idea of not having to waste my third bottle cage with bottle/powder as I will need this for water if hot.