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HIM execution feedback - where is the top-speed?

So, I did a HIM this weekend (first with EN and a PM, but have done many tri's and IM's before)

It was a small local one, only 50 or so people doing the HIM distance. First year of race, so cource etc. was unknown to most.

Conditions... Very cold, very windy and hilly.

I did not taper for this, as I just wanted to use this race to test everything prior to the races later in the season.

The plan was to do the bike in around 2.20-2.25 and to run as per my Vdot score. I have previously done a HIM bike in 2.26 on a flat course. Looking at the 'leg bank account' chart, I planned to hold the Watts @ 298 - and I rarely went over it - even on the hills..

The course turned out to be quite hilly and with strong winds for most of the way..this meant that my bike split was significant slower than planned.

The KPI's for the bike:

TIme: 2.42.00

TSS: 185,1

NP 287

VI 1.04

AvgW 277

IF 0.829

All looking good except for the time spent and the subsequent higher TSS score.  The legs felt fine throughout - although towards the end, my a** was hurting badly...but this is probably due to a recent bikefit, that I haven't fully gotten used to yet...


Historically, I have often been having GI Issues sometimes preventing me from running at all and have caused at least 1 IM DNF... (Seems to be caused by poor swim technique)...Hence this weekend's real test was to see if I was able to run without any GI issues

I did not suffer any problems on the run and I was able to run smoothly. I followed the HIM execution plan for the first 5k (3M), but when the time came to increase the speed, I did not feel like I had what I needed to increase to the planned 14.8 km/h... I was running fine..and I could increase the speed, but not that much... I was not struggeling...just cruising 'slowly' ..I just didn't have the top-speed in the legs. I eventually finished the run in 1.39.

Now, my question is this.. why did I not have the top-speed I was expecting to have? I was very comfortable running at EP pace..but not MP.

Was it due to the increased TSS from the bike? Or is there something I'm missing?

The TSS score, the IF and the time spent cycling do not seem to match the 'legs bank account' chart....Why is that? If I look at the IF, I'm well in the green...The TSS is in the yellow.




  • Bo, my guess is that your top end speed decided not to show up when you decided not to taper for the race. IMHO, top-end run speed is derived from a good period of rest, and initiated by a solid bike. Your bike was spot on, the rest just wasn't there!
  • Patrick, That is excellent..I have no problem with the speed not being there this weekend...as long as it is there for my A races :-)
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