Home OutSeason (December '09)

warm up tempo?

I understand the need to get the best bang for your buck in these workouts, so, do you need to warm up at tempo power?  I know you finish the remainder of the workout with it, just wondering about the warm up.


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    I usually warm up for 10 - 15 minutes at Z1, with 3 x 30-60s at Z4.  By that time, I'm ready to get the work done.  Hard to jump right into Z3 for me, personally.


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    Thanks Mike.  I found it somewhat difficult myself.  I've gotten used to so much time on the bike after training all last year for an IM that I feel like I'm not getting the workout I'm supposed to so I feel obliged to get moving right away when the workout is so short.  Needless to say, the workout was a bit difficult, so I will take heed to your advice, and trust that I am getting out of it what I need!!!  Thanks!


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    Hi Dan,

    I warm up at any old EZ wattage for the first 5' just to get the grease moving in these bones and joints. Then from 5' to 18' I do 1'on/1'off, gradually increasing the wattage until I am doing about 4-5 1' bouts at FT, followed by 1' rest. Then I do a couple of 30" at ~110%. It's more than the Rx the plan calls for, but I like to warm-up good and ready. I usually take 2' easy, then go at ~20' depending on how I'm feeling that day. I don't like shortcutting the warm up. Especially when I'm riding at the crack o' dawn, I take the full 20'. I warm up until I get that feeling that I'm ready--you know what I mean.


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    I do 10' of EZ pedaling, with just enough resistance to feel something. then i go in to 3 x 30" (30") spin-ups (hi revs/low intensity) - then 2' at a slightly higher than EZ effort. this gets me primed up for the MS.
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