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Team Update: June 8th

Hi Folks:

Let's get down to bidness!

From the Race Director - John Stark

We are looking for Race Captains for most of the upcoming EN supported races.  We have streamlined this position a lot over the past couple of months. It is a very low stress deal and makes a big difference for your teammates and coaches on race weekend.  In short, you will:

- Help identify a dinner and a possible meet-up location (you don’t have to live near the venue).

- Be sure we get a team photo.

- Assist coaches, as needed (Mainly at the team dinner, pics, etc)

- It’s that simple!

If you can help make a big difference for your teammates with a small amount of effort, please email me at ENRaceDirector@Gmail.com.  Thanks!

Upcoming races are Ironman 70.3 Eagleman and Ironman 70.3 Kansas, both this Sunday!  If you are racing these, please be sure to fillout the TeamEN Information Form here and choose your event tab on the spreadsheet.

Race Results:

Weekly Race Report (NEW FEATURE!!)

Race Report Podcast Series

Our first of 2011 with many, many more coming. Be sure to subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes and share these RR's with your friends!
EN Gear

EN Race Weekend Shirts: Order Closed!
  • Thanks for your order...they are going to be produced by early next week and then shipped to you by the end of June.

EN Sticker and Bottle Order is IN PRODUCTION!

Preview the stickers here, in our EN Facebook page

Go here for updates from Tucker. HUGE props to for getting this done!

Uniform Update
  • Cycling Kit: Will ship to Rich on June 13th!! He’ll get them all out as quickly as he can!
  • Have you joined TeamEN AFTER Feb 1, 2011? Rich will inventory the remaining tri kit this week and send an email to the Team with instructions to purchase this remaining inventory.

From the Coaches:

June is JUMPING!

May was crazy, crazy busy, then June is positively jumping! We had 18 folks race at the Rev3 Quassy race and many others around the US. This weekend is Kansas 70.3 and Boise 70.3, and the Lake Placid Rally...then it’s onto Ironman Couer d’Alene!

Ironman Course Talks -- only $49, members save $20!!

Did you know that your hard-working coaches have created 2hr movies for the IMCDA, LP, LV, WI, FL, and AZ courses? RnP teaching you how to race every inch of your course! With 20-45 athletes at every race since 2007, with thousands of IM finishers to their credit, with 10:0x PR’s nearly all of the IM courses...we’re pretty sure we can teach you something you’ll find worth the purchase price on race day

Ironman Race Sites -- NEW!!

We’ve created race specific websites and seminars to deliver to you ALL of our knowledge and content on the US Ironman courses. These courses are FREE for you and the public. Please share these websites with your friends, encouraging them to sign up for the seminars!

New Content:

KickStart Charity Update

This month puts EN over $5000 awarded to EN Member-supported charities!!! Thanks so much for making a difference and letting us help! Read the details here.

Crucible Files

If you have a powermeter and want to have your Race Sim hacked apart by Coach Patrick for the world to see (and to learn!), please send it to admin@endurancenation.us with the subject "The Crucible". Be sure to include your age, weight, FTP, and goal race (70.3 or IM, with name preferably).

Season Planning

Finished with your OutSeason and/or want Rich to map out the rest of your season for you?
Take this survey and Rich will get it done for you in a few days.

TeamEN Wants Your Referrals

As you know, TeamEN membership is closed. We have started a waiting list and will issue invitations to the waiting list to join the team, as space becomes available. Membership for these people will be $129/mo. However, it’s likely that you know someone who would be a great fit for the team. If so, please have them use this double top secret squirrel backdoor link to create a 5-day trial membership. Their membership rate at the end of this trial, if they decide to stay, will be $99/mo, saving them over $360 per year.

EN Admin Update

Site Navigation Changes

Go to the Dashboard. All of the Training Forums now live under the Training tab at the top. Groups and their associated discussion forums now live under the Community tab. We feel this change is more intuitive and we hope you agree.

EN Admin Support is Now Done Through ZenDesk

We’ve decided that the EN Admin Forum wasn’t the best tool for us to use to provide you with the support you need, so we have fired up “ZenDesk.”  Have admin issues and need us to fix them? Email support@endurancenation.us. View our help desk and answers as they grow here. Please keep in mind that this tool is for admin support issues only, not a place for you to ask us training questions. Please continue to use the Macro and Micro Threads for those, as well as the other forums.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Rich and Patrick


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