many poor choices at this weekends race, here's just one...
I'll focus on this one thing for now. Oly. My run blew up. Hot/Humid/hills/lifestuff/etc. But, felt great going into it. Bummed that run came in at 8 min over my 'expected time'. 58 minutes. lots of variables, but I want to ask about shoes.
Been running in the Nike Free Run for about 8 months. 3 weeks ago, I picked a pair of the minimalists New Balance Minimus. Been using them for the shorter runs and for warmups and cooldowns on the longer runs. For some knucklehead reason, I chose to use these for the tri.
Not only was my run too slow for my liking (many variables went into this, I know), but my legs are so fookin' sore today that I would have thought I ran a marathon yesterday. Cramps, yes. Hilly ride, yes. But, I have to wonder if some of this residual soreness is coming from doing too much too soon with a minimalist shoe.
So, now I'm thinking...train with the Minimus and race with some traditional lightweight? Or, just get faster and more accustomed to racing in the Minimus?
Know there's no black/white answer to this but any feedback would be welcomed.
Maybe I just need to brush it aside and move forward.
Not much to add as I use a heavier shoe due to my weight but check out the thread started by coach Rich on moving to a ligher weight shoe for IM. I know it's not Oly's but still some good information in there:
Also...did you taper at all for this? or was this a B/C race that you effectively trained through...and what is your current training load?...I really doubt its a shoe issue...explore the other things around the event/training.