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Cheat Mode

This a bit outside of the tri-world but I wanted to get some trusted reviews on this new Cheat Mode nutrition plan. I have read through it and think it is actually a little bit scary. It is strength-based focused so it wouldn't work for anyone in the haus. In addition, I don't have ANY thoughts of using it myself. However, I have a close friend who is considering it and am concerned for his health and safety. So I would appreciate any and all candid thoughts on the topic.

Thanks All!



  • I think that most folks can achieve strength goals while maintaining a regular lifestyle / diet....and dietary goals with aerobic exercise + strength....but I am just NOT NOT NOT a fan of working out hard and simultaneously limiting you intake. By it's very design it's not sustainable (you won't fast your entire life every morning)....very suspect.
  • I agree with Coach P. The REAL problem with all of these diet fads is that they treat the symptoms and not the problem. Health and wellness is about lifestyle decision-making, NOT about short periods of focused effort.

    The husband that doesn't spend enough time with his family doesn't remedy the problem, long term, by just taking everyone to Disney once a year. It is about lifestyle change and time management. Dieting is like the Disney trip...it helps the family forget their feeling of neglect, but after a few weeks, those feelings will resurface. Good health and wellness is simple about changing the way we think and act...it is about reshaping our daily decision making processes around food selection and exercise.

    Alright...off my soap box now!
  • I don't think that there is anything in those suggestions that hasn't been suggested elsewhere, and i wouldn't advise your friend that it is dangerous. It requires monk-like discipline, but likely works. For a more sane, and endurance-modifiable version, see the overall thought process espoused by folks like Ben Greenfield and others.

    What damage are you concerned about, Pete?
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