Runny nose in aero position
I thought this might have been covered in the past, but couldn't find it in searches.
Any idea why my nose had been running like mad whenever I ride my new tri bike? Been happening for the last 2 months now. Any temp, any speed, and only when i'm down on the aero bars. No problems during run or when riding road bike. No allergies historically.
Anyone have a "cure"? This is driving me nuts!
My snot production on the bike is the stuff of legend locally. I take pride in it...
It happens to all of us I think
Hi Brian,
Probably just the slight change in your head position on your new bike. Or, it could be the freakish allergy season that has been happening overall. Maybe enough stuff in the air this year to just give your nasal passage enough irritation to run finally. Maybe try a Claritin and see what happens.
Otherwise, just get really good at the “farmers blow” on the bike. My sage advice is to take note of the wind before. I once let her rip into the wind….I looked like Venkman just as some chick flew by:
That being said, as Greg mentioned allergens are CRAZY this year, and even people I know that don't usually suffer from allergies have been at least irritated by stuff in the air. Aero position definitely lends itself to a runny nose (I have hella-bad allergies and the picture above pretty much sums up what I look like after a long Saturday ride!) I'd try out some basic OTC allergy meds and see if it helps dry you up. I added basic benydrl (diphenhydramine) onto my normal allergy stuff and it's really helped with the runny nose issue.
i try to be a tough guy, but i cannot spit luggies (i am not even sure how to spell that word!) nor blow my nose without kleenex. can't even make noise with hand in the armpit. oh well.
anyway, two other stimuli will make you produce mucus in nasal passages, other than allergens.
1) cold air;
2) increased blood flow (e.g. sudafed constricts blood supply to mucus membranes and decreases mucus production---don't use this remedy since it was not designed to be used for aero position induced mucus runny nose!);
if your mucus occurs only when in aero, then:
1) you start to breath more thru your nose, especially if you are not completely comfortable in that position = more cold air passing thru;
2) when you get in aero and if it's kind of a strain, then you increase the blood flow to your head, kind of like same effect as standing on your head.
anyway, here are a couple more explanations in case you have no allergies.
As a few suggested, I have had similar issues in cold weather (skiing, etc). But never had any problems in summer before.
The explanations about head and body position make sense when connected to blood flow - never knew the two were linked.
I'll be sure to watch for others on the farmer blows. I generally do pretty good, but did splatter my own shoulder last weekend
Thanks all!
I know that biking problem -- for me, the freakish allergies of the season have been helped by my friend, the neti pot. Nothing like saline up your nose at 5 a.m. to start a brisk day and a good bike ride.
I have had this problem for years anytime I go fast, ie: skiing, biking. My allergist gave me a prescription for a nasal spray called ipratropium bromide. It is an important part of my training and racing preparation now. A squirt in each nostril dried me up for the duration WITHOUT side effects, like drowsiness, etc. I am does the trick.
For training, I use one of those old 70's style wrist sweatbands on my right arm to "wipe" my nose. You can rotate it around a few times on a ride and get a fresh spot as you go :-)
I am racing in a speed suit, so I have sleeves for my really long rides and IM races, so I just wipe and go.
I would advise you perfect your snot rocket technique before you try it in a group ride or race never know who is gonna be on the recieving end of said rocket!!!
@Susan - I'll check out that spray, too.
@Greg - "Infinit munchies". That should be chiseled in stone to last forever - Priceless!
Thanks all!
brian: more like tears draining into nasal cavity.
@Brian - no clue if it's sweat in the tear ducts - looks like snot
I'll try the Zyrtec again this weekend and see if it works as well a second time with minimal or no rebound.
Thanks all!