Change PT batteries before IMLP?
With IMLP coming up this Sunday, I've suddenly become paranoid about the batteries in my LYC and PT hub. They are showing no signs of any problems and no blinking is happening, but I'm wondering if I should change them. Would you?
If I do change them, will it alter the readings on my LYC in anyway so my watts will be off? In other words, if my effort is showing 200 watts, will changing the batteries make that exact same effort show 210 watts?
If its been a while, I say change it. Just make sure you have enough time to test it out. My PT hub died in the middle of my RR before CDA. No data. If your wondering how, heres a video I did while back:
I also would not touch anything if they are working. They blink low battery for a very long time. I let them go for at least 10 days once without a problem. Even if they started blinking low hub batt at teh start of the IM ride you would easily get through it.
It is not just something going wrong during the change to consider. The more times you open the hub you mess with the seals. Only bad things can happen. Deep breaths, not the time to get mental.
As has been stated if it's not flashing now you will have enough power to get you through and IM ride.
Any idea how many miles on the batteries? Having stated the above if you are going to lose sleep over it then swap them out but do it now.