Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 6 Dec. OS

 Happy New Year everyone! I did all 8 days of the Holiday Run Challenge too - although some days were pretty short. Ended up with >50 "points" though which is pretty good considering a) some days I was *freezing*, and b) I didn't miss any scheduled bike workouts. I don't know about you but those seem to be getting tougher! 

I'm planning to make the Powermeter jump here soon and keep hearing that it's much harder with the PM than with just HR. Hard to believe but I'll withhold judgement... I've been surprised before!

BTW, did an unscheduled VDot test at a local 5K on New Years Eve. Not sure which sounds better: gained 1.2 points or ~2.5% since we started (41.1 to 42.3). Either way, I'm pretty happy since I was in pretty good running shape before starting the OS (ran a half mary on Dec. 6th).

Look forward to suffering - and getting stronger - with you all in the new year!



  • Paul. You'll be glad you made the power jump.

    I was only able to manage 6 consecutive days of the challenge before my feet said enough. image

    Looking forward to week six, which will be my last "normal" week as I've got 2 weeks of business/personal travel in so cal scheduled. I'll run on the business week and i'll have my bike with me and do a mike epic bike week for the second.

    We'll see what the coaches want to do with me when I get back.
  •  Paul

    I have been thinking my vdot is just  a bit low as I used a 10k turkey trot that had one good hill but I am apprehensive on retesting as on the longer z4 workouts I am just holding on.

    Did a duathlon this weekend and forgot how hard it is to race short distances, from start to finish REDLINE, everything hurts. might have to move 2x20 to wed. as i don't know if there is enough gas in the legs to finish. did end up with a 3rd OA and 1st AG win

  • Hey Jeff, Congratulations on the duathlon! I'm not sure I've ever placed in a race - AG or otherwise. Very cool.

    As for the VDot, I wasn't in any hurry to retest, there just happened to be a local 5K that my wife wanted us to run so it was more opportunistic than anything. Like you, I pretty much felt like I've been "hanging on" at z4 although it seems to be a lot more difficult to maintain a specific pace while running, at least compared to the bike. Most of the time I'm just going on RPE and seeing what that translates to afterward. Pretty accurate it seems. How do you (or others) do it? Does a Garmin help? I've been using RunKeeper on the iPhone which is great for tracking but not ideal as a pacing tool.

    And for what it's worth, I've been pretty liberal with moving run and bike workouts around during the week too, mostly b/c of family or work commitments - although feeling wiped out has also been an issue on occasion. I think the most important thing is making sure that you build in enough recovery time to avoid injury or overtaining. That said, I'd defer to the EN veterans wisdom on that score.

    Again, congrats on the great start to the new year!




    Paul, thanks it’s not often I place but maybe with EN I might get a little more consistent. I use to be happy (goal) to be in the top 10% of any race, that seemed to be a good fit for me and my training/work load.  As far as pace I am stuck for the most part on my treadmill for anything local. I live in tahoe so our roads are covered with snow/ice, don’t really mind though as I find the tm convenient get it done thing and also building that mental six pack on the hamster wheel is a bonus. When I am outside I use a garmin 310 that seems to work well.

  • @ cary
    nice ENAIA post
  • Posted By Jeff Kelley on 04 Jan 2010 04:54 PM

    @ cary

    nice ENAIA post

    Thx Jeff - I need to wiki-ize that puppy over the next day or so.

  • Week six run challenges. I am a self-admitted wimp and when the temperature drops I head indoors quicker than later, although I did suck it up and ran outdoors several times for the Holiday Run Challenge in the 15-25 degree weather. Major disruption to the plans to hit the gym and do my runs on the treadmill as all of the "Resolutioners" are lined up two deep behind the treadmills! Arrgh, I hate this time of year! Looks like I'll have to suck it up for a couple of more weeks til they all go away.

  • How’s everyone doing this week? Last two days have been hell! Tuesday 2x20 seemed imposable. Ended up just mashing the pedals around to keep the Computrainer happy but didn’t think I executed the bike workout well. Yesterday the 3x1 also seemed harder that they should be, think one of the problems is I v-dot test outside = faster and then I train inside=slow death. Anyway IF on the bike of .87 for Tuesday and run splits of 6:11, 6:18, and 6:16, need to get through today’s bike at lunch and then looking forward to a much needed day off. Hope everyone else is feeling stronger
  • Tuesday I had 2 x 15 on my Intermediate schedule - I killed it! Very happy with my performance. I'm having foot issues so no running this week. Trying to get a Doctor appointment before I travel on Monday.
  • @Cary

    Right there with you, Great workout Tuesday, pretty good run on Wednesday and spent by Thursday. I am enjoying today(Friday) off and I am going to kill the ride/run tomorrow.

    Good times all and have a great weekend!!
  • After running 78 miles during the Holiday run challenge, keeping up with the other OS workouts, starting Bikram yoga and the late nights of the Holidays, I think I taxed my system a little to much and came down with a nasty cold.   

    Tuesdays 2 X 20's turned into 1 X 20 and the rest hanging on to zone 2 just to complete the hour, had no energy in the legs. Took Wednesday off to recover and Thurdays 2 X 12's felt about  80%.  Did Wednesday's run workout on Friday, life came back into the legs some, chest still heavy but improving.    Hoping todays bike will be strong, anxious to see how it goes.

    Hate taking days off due to illness or injury, I have no patients for it.  I know many times I am doing myself more harm than good by struggling through a workout but my stubbornness keeps me from resting. I need to get better at giving the body time to heal, knowing and doing are two different things.

    I hope you are all staying healthy and recovering well from these longer intervals !!!

  • We've all had those days. Feel better Bob.
  •  Hi all,

    Sounds like I had a similar week to many of you. Tuesday and yesterday bike felt great and was able to hit/maintain all intervals (I'm still using HR but have my PT on order.. yippee! ). However, Weds run and THurs bike were tough: could only do 1/2 of last Z4 mile on Weds and couldn't seem to get my HR up on the bike although it felt like my legs were going to fall off. Guess I needed the day off on Friday. Hoping for a good result today and a better week 7

    Hope you all are feeling good too!


  • First day of Week 6 for me - looking forward to 2 x 20mins tomorrow! (Oh yeah!).
    Exciting weekend, stopped by my local bike shop to check out a new waterproof jacket only to be pointed out to the back where my new TT bike was being built-up, cool! Came in earlier than we all expected - so muchus excitement!! Pics to follow when its all set up!

    Have a great week!
  • Good week so far - finished my Thurs bike just now and all good except for a pedal falling off!! Refixed it back on the spindle but kinda err'd in caution the rest of the session and had to apply a little inward pressure - not good!

    Tonights session called for 2 x 12' @ FTP - beforehand I thought that was a tad 'soft' after the 2 x 20's on Tuesday - soon as I started cranking it up however I knew RnP were right! The cumulative fatigue - especially form yesterdays running intervals (and evening swim) - seem to have caught up with me.

    Big day for me too - entered IMCOZ which should be my 1st full IM - I say 'should' -awaiting feedback from our leaders on this one! All good!!

    Sundays run workout looks interesting - a 2 x 2mile int session, what joy.........

    Have fun dudes!
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