2011 IRONMAN & HALF IRON Training Plan Feedback Thread (closes 8/5!)
Folks -
It's that time of year again when Rich and Patrick stop producing and start listening. Really hard. 
This is your chance to tell us all about the IRONMAN & HALF IRON Training Plans...specifically:
Example of Not-So-Good Feedback: "More hard stuff please!" OR "I am a nocturnal bipolar vegan with agoraphobia, I need special workouts for me."
While we can't answer every request, this annual exercise has repeatedly turned up really solid great advice for the Team. Sometimes our edits end up in the plans themselves, other times they grow into hacks for the wiki and much more.
Thanks in advance for your time. Please be sure to read through this thread as you reply so we can cut down on repetition...and the deadline for info for us is Friday 8/5!!
~ RnP
This is your chance to tell us all about the IRONMAN & HALF IRON Training Plans...specifically:
- what you liked/didn't like
- what you think should change and why
- any thing else you can think of.
Example of Not-So-Good Feedback: "More hard stuff please!" OR "I am a nocturnal bipolar vegan with agoraphobia, I need special workouts for me."
While we can't answer every request, this annual exercise has repeatedly turned up really solid great advice for the Team. Sometimes our edits end up in the plans themselves, other times they grow into hacks for the wiki and much more.
Thanks in advance for your time. Please be sure to read through this thread as you reply so we can cut down on repetition...and the deadline for info for us is Friday 8/5!!
~ RnP
Adv SC Plan
Will confine my comments to the HIM Plan, per Coach P's post. My OS Comments are in the OS thread.
For HIM plan, I thought the overall plan was quite good, esp the bike protocol. I had a few issues scheduling so many days w/ 2x workouts, as its hard for me (and I'd bet many others here) to go > 90 min training on a weekday on a regular basis. The Int Plan would have us doing that at least 2 days out of 5 during the week, IIRC. Not sure if there is a work-around for that, but in terms of feeback, there it is.
Outside of that one item, I would change very little. I thought the swim workouts were fine (from a swimming background here), if anything, a little light on total volume. Run plan was fine, but probably geared closer to 1:45 runners vs 2+ hr people off the bike.
I thought the plan was great and credit it with a very satisfying IMLP.
My only (minor) issue was trying to follow the intricate interval sets on long Saturday outdoor rides. Would it be as effective to just give general guidance - such as "accumulate xx mins of riding @ 95 - 100% FTP, as terrain dictates", since based on forum posts that is what most people do anyway?
Also, and this goes for all the plans I suppose, a little rationale behind the workouts would be interesting and useful. To understand WHY the workouts are written the way they are - the theory behind them - would help us to train with more purpose and to be able to intelligently adjust on the fly without bogging down the micro/macro threads. For example, why during the taper does the intensity of the brick runs suddenly change in an unexpected way? Why does the run frequency pick up? Why is adding strides near the end of the program important? Perhaps a short paragraph before each week that explains the purpose and desired training effect of these workouts would be useful. I think there are a lot of scientific types here, and just doing things because it says, rather than understanding the why behind it, is difficult for us!
Great job RnP!
Not precisely on topic, but closely related: The Long Course Training Manual dates from 2008; maybe it's time for a new edition, or at least a careful re-read by the coaches to make sure it's still what you want to preach. And then, in addition to all those podcasts you crank out for 12-20 weeks, maybe you could assign reading from the LC training manual each week to make sure we get exposure to the background of why we're doing what we're doing and what you''re philosophy is?
More generally, look at the stuff in the wiki about things like Big Days and RR's to make sure it is as clear as to your intent as possible, and include a link to that wiki post in the training plan on that day.
I endorse the idea above of explicitly stating for the Saturday ride: get in a total of 40 (or XX) minutes at FTP in intervals as dictated by your terrain that day, minimum x (eg, 10) and max XX minutes (eg, 20) with no more than x (eg 5) recovery between intervals. So that newbies and OCDs know its OK and EXPECTED that when doing these outside at the start of a long ride, some leeway is expected, and its OK to be creative and/or accomadating to the circumstances of the ride.
Two week taper - good. Ten days - better. Three weeks - too much. But tapers are tricky and personal, I've found, so good luck there.
I am wondering if the first HIM race rehearsal could be marked as optional -- especially for those who think their nutrition is fairly dialed in? With a three-hour ride, almost every Saturday is an almost race-rehearsal.
I like Carrie's comment about more biking in aero and emphasizing open water swims. I liked the old "locked in aero" OS workouts. Rephrase that: The old "locked in aero" workouts were good for me.
And, yes, the INT HIM plan is plagued with typos.
It would be really helpful to have downloadable WKO/Raceday files for workouts, too.
And, as long as we are in the wish list -- I think specifying strength work and stretching would take the plans to the next level.
12 week INT HIM plan this year- I've gone through it about twice (2 races)
On bike test day, make it clear that it is "TEST or 75' workout" NOT BOTH!
I had lengthy back and forth discussion on FB with newbie (lots of BUT...! BUT..!) and finally ended up daring them to try to test and then do 75' workout after and let me know how it went.
I love to swim, but I don't think that swimming >2000 yards 3x/week is necessary. I cut out volume on swim days that also had a run.
Agree with above posts about 2 workouts/day. 2 hours was a bit much for so many days each week. See above where I cut swim.
Long run: this was a real bone of contention for me. Having done INT IM last year- I saw no point in my HIM long run being 2:15, when IM is 2:30. I did not go over 1:45. I am slow and this put me at 11 miles on the day- Good enough. Another 30 minutes and I'd be over the course distance.
Agree with Saturday bike suggestions above.
Also, Al made a great suggestion...links directly to Wiki now that we have that resource getting jam-packed with content...directly from the training plans - that would be great!
- the taper, but like Al said, that is a personal thing that you can't impose on folks
- I only did one 120 minute run. I am a decent runner but not too durable. Over 40 miles/wk and I get injuries out of the blue. The 120 min run is ~17 miles so it is a lot of risk. Perhaps I'm just paranoid, but I pulled all but one of the 120 minute runs back to 90 minutes, but kept in all of the HMP intervals and actually dialed up the intensity a bit on those runs (shorter warmup, added additional intervals, never did any z1, etc). I did not underperform my HIM run -- I ran 1:38:38 (in 94 degree heat with 106 heat index) and according to EN execution guidance should have run 1:39:28. So overall I don't think that skipping the 120 min runs hurt me much, and in fact may have saved me from injury.
Int HIM Plan
The first Race Rehearsal is at the end of Week 14, which is a brutal 2 weeks including a 2:15 run on the Thursday that week. So you come into your first Race Rehearsal with really tired legs and try to hold your paces. You are likely to fail if you have been doing all the workouts leading up to it, and that kind of mental letdown is tough with 6 weeks to go. I would suggest a lighter week leading up to Race Rehearsal.
I CAN!!!
Thanks so much to all of you...RnI have our homework cut out for us, so stay tuned for updates coming in October 2011!!!
~ P