(Qualified) Endorsement of a goggles anti-fogging product
One of the nice things about a new pair of goggles is they don't fog up. But unlike my kids, who seem to lose theirs quite frequently, I get to the point where goggles irritate me because they are fogging up all the time. The last couple of pairs I bought practically started out fogging up.
Previous to this, I have not found a satisfactory solution to this problem. Maybe you have.
On recommendation of a friend, I tried Foggle wipes. The come in little individual packets like a barbeque restaurant towlette. The instructions say to wipe them across your (dry) lens, let them dry, and everything will be good.
My experience is a bit different. I found that the first few times I used them, there was no effect I could notice, but if I applied several layers, I got an improvement, i.e., if I wiped then put the wipe in a zip lock bag for a while to let the goggles dry, and then repeated a few times, it did help. Over the course of about a week of doing this first, and then using a wipe both before and after each swim session, I find that the goggles are now pretty fog free.
So - the summary is: if you want to try them, buy a box full. Don't expect much results until you have applied several layers. You can get several uses out of each wipe by storing the opened ones in a Zip Lock bag. Use them regularly, and it seems to work fine.
Haven't tried the toothpaste trick! Same general idea I guess! :-)