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RAce Report

 i'm not sure this is where to put this but i can't find anything better as yet.


some delay of start due to fog over lake. used new Trek speed concept; swim with wetsuit to keep the damn long legs up (38:21); no biek seat issues with Ism Adamo seat (2:51:29): run, really a jog for me, only walked at aid stations, used ice coke heed (2:47:43); transitions all slow; 1st in age group, but would have been last if not first;

not sure what else to put here.


  • Jim, if you're looking for more of a sense of competitiion in a world with only 2 competitors in your AG, here are a few tricks I started playing to provide motivation. Check on who the next oldest person was who beat you; see what place you'd be in the next younger AG, or even 20-24; measure yourself by your by % overall, and try to keep that up from year to year. Or if you get really lonely, you may have to start going to regional and national races to get some competition.

    Of course, that stuff is not always necessary, Witness my race two weeks ago, which had 10 yr, not 5 yr AGs. I was 3rd, beaten by two guys who are usually in the next AG up (one of whom was a ringer from Canada, traveling far afield for some competition).

  •  i must admit i started doing that since when i was back in the pack i'd always checked who came in at least 3rd in my AG to see how much faster i'd need to be to get there. sometimes i'd check the older AG to see if i'd be on the podium there, if older.

    i've used the "age graded time ratings" for several tris and i'm always good in the local races but not in regional or elite. if time and $ allow i'll get in more of the more competitive tris. they're usually in very interesting areas (NYC, DC, etc.). tks.

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