First time Infinit user
I'm about to try Infinit for the first time and wanted to ask if there was anything i should keep in mind before customizing and ordering my first batch.
I'm about to try Infinit for the first time and wanted to ask if there was anything i should keep in mind before customizing and ordering my first batch.
The big thing was when I got mine was the flavor, it did not have much when I first tried it. Called and spoke to them and he stated just give it a try at first and if you still don't like it we will redo. I thought the flavor was lacking until I was using for a long ride and by the end it was just right, they make it mild so its not like gatorade where 2 hours in and you want something else.
Other issue is foaming, but no real biggie.
Call them they will walk you through the whole process and answer any questions.
Good Luck
I can understand not wanting it to be too strong, especially if it is warm out.
I'll give them a call and go from there.
This worked for me out of the gates.
I did not do the phone call with them...
Thanks @Nate and @Penny.
I will definitely drop the protein. I've tried other products that contain it and it never agreed with me.
Thanks Tyler!
I am debating dropping the protein next time as well and thinking about caffeine. For anyone using caffeine - how much are you using? Noticing much of a difference if your earlier mixes didn't have it?
@Jeff, caffeine is extremely helpful to me, but i dont plan to include it in my mixture. Although i am a first time user, i only expect to use Infinit during the bike and I wouldnt want the caffeine at that point.
I have no idea if this is true or not, but the times when i've used caffeine on the bike, it seemed to diminish the helpful effects during my run. IOW, i felt like consuming caffeine on the bike "and" the run seemed too much for my body to handle.
I used Accelerade before Infinit, so I'm used to the protein and it keeps me full-er.
Per serving:
300 cal
380 mg Na
2 g protien
20 mg caffeine
For LP and 1 hot day RR I got 100% of servings for 1st 56 miles, then about 80% of servings for final 56 miles.
The caffeine for me is not so as a stimulant but to avoid caffeine withdrawl headaches.... (I'm a caffeine junky).
No GI issues on the bike or on the run. Now I use it on any ride over 2 hours - great stuff!