Carbo Pro vs Infinit
Team - I have been using Carbo Pro prior to joining EN with decent results...Any thoughts on the differences between Carbo pro vs Infinit? Should I make the change to try Infinit or continue with Carbo-Pro?
Team - I have been using Carbo Pro prior to joining EN with decent results...Any thoughts on the differences between Carbo pro vs Infinit? Should I make the change to try Infinit or continue with Carbo-Pro?
Just tried to do a search on CarbPro as this has been discussed before. Couldn't find it.
I use to used CarboPro myself. Good stuff, but you have to add in a lot of other stuff to get a good mixture of calories. When I was ultra-running I had this recipe of stuff I used to mix with my CP like salt, Metabolol, and some other things. Didn't realize how much of a nightmare that was until I was introduced to Infinit.
In short, Infinit provides a great balance of nutrients for race day and long training days. the folks at Infinit will work with you to help create a formula that works best for you. I personally up the caffeine and sodium and dial back the protein and sweetness.
In EN we use Inifinit in concentrated doses like 3 hours of calories in one bottle and nurse that on race day and supplement with you favorite foods. I like strawberry mini Fig Newtons. This really simplifies the nutrition for the day.
Anyhoo, I bet you get many more responses on this. But that is my feedback.
P.S. Nice EN webinar with the Infinit CEO here:
And EN long course nutrition guidance here:
Now I use my leftover Carbo Pro to add to my Nuun on my long runs. Both completely dissolve and do not muck up my Camelbak.
Andrew - get it and start testing it. The concentrated forms take a bit of getting used to. You "sip" not gulp. :-)
Looking forward to rocking IMAZ with you this year, brotha. The fun begins tomorrow. See ya in the IMAZ Race Group
Andrew - I've never used Carbo Pro so I can't really provide a comparison but I love Infinit. It worked liked like a charm for training and racing IMCDA. I had no GI issues, no bonk. It is all I used + water for CDA for the bike and run (well ok I did eat 1/2 a bagel @ BSN but I had practiced that in my RR so I knew it would work with the Infinit). Order Infinit with a weak flavor strength so you can concentrate it 3x into one bottle for your bike or 10 oz bottles on a fuel belt for the run. Like John S said, get some and start testing. Take a sip of concentrated Infinit and then wash it down with water to dilute it in you stomach. Good luck.
Will do....In Asia for the next 2 weeks so I am nervous about minimal bike time but trying to rock the tread mill. I saw your "formula" for infinit....seems in line with my needs but will call Infinit and get a batch ordered.
I am excited about IMAZ....first IM.
@Andrew - Gonna be an honor to be there when you cross the finish line. It really is a big frigging deal and an IM finishers shoot is amazing. Totally pumped for you.
Where in Asia are you? I used to have an office at IFC in Hong Kong, another outside Mikati (Passig City) in the Philippines and another in Kuala Lumpur. I was in international marketing and had employees throughout the region.
A lot of people here and others are happy with it, and so I thought I would be too. I was so impressed with all these easy and shiny comments that I decided to change my nutrition plan a few days before the race, big mistake, it cost me the race, and now I know better, no Infinit for me.
Have fun experimenting, just don't do it close to the race, make sure you test it with long bike rides and runs.
Have fun in Asia! I should be in Shanghai in October too for work.
Good luck with your race!
Diana- I don't think anyone would recommend changing anything a few days before a race. This is why we do RR with everything done just like race day to work out kinks
Also, infinit has many variations, so one person's perfect mix might be someone else's mistake. Just something to consider.