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No Mercy for Friend & EN Peep: The Challenge

My good friend and fellow EN peep, and I have a relatively expensive bet based on our finishing times in Calif 70.3 in late March.  He has been a little lazy recently (he always says he can't go ride or run with our group with some excuse) and I likely are a little cocky, and so have created this short smack-talk video to inspire him to give me a race in the Calif 70.3 .  Having him be inspired will be a very good carrot for me to WORK to guarantee he is unsuccessful in our bet and to assist in motivating myself to hammer those EN workouts.

My good friend, an IM finisher, and multiple event participate with myself............. just by insisting on the bet "he is weak", or "I am crazy for accepting it." ; not sure which.......but I have confidence


Take a look.  If you interact with this gentleman in the forums, try to play along and call him Jaimie instead of James.   His name is Jaimie until he proves his manhood otherwise.  [no offense to the impressive female EN peeps in the haus --- this is just smack talk friend to freind as guys]




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