Anyone start taking salt pills 1 day before a race?
I am a heavy sweater and am trying to figure out how to finish a long ride without salt stains all over me. I am up to ~1,000mg per hour from Perform/Powerbar Gels/S!Caps. I clearly need to take more than that - while hydrating the day before, does anyone up the salt intake through their salt pills?
EN guidance in the wiki says to sip on Sports drink the day prior and salt your food. This is what I did the day before IMLP. I took in about 600mg/hour during the race.
The thing that comes to mind is coach rich mentioning taking in too much salt during a race and having some major bloating/water retention issues like fat ankles, swollen hands, etc. He then spent the race day night peeing out all the extra water his body was retaining b/c of all the extra sodium. I believe in General there is a lot of guidance on NOT doing anything crazy the day before, like drinking too much water, sports drink, beer (just kidding). Just make sure your body's natural stores are there and then execute on race day. Not sure if popping a sodium pill or two qualifies as "crazy". The best thing of course would be to practice this at least for 1 or more of your RR to see what happens.
For me I would worry about waking up the day of the race already swollen up from too much sodium in my body.
What makes this an interesting question is that you say you are a heavy sweater. I wonder what the other more experienced folks will say.
* you STOP sweating
* you CAN'T empty fluids from your gut
* it's going to be 10-15 degrees hotter than you have ever trained in.
IOW, use it to fix a problem you've got...not one you've yet to have.
I take 1000mg/hr in my RR#2 and did fine. Im planning on that for IMLOU. I do take 1-2 Salt tabs 2-3 days before an IM....esp. IMLOU.