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Buy WKO+ before IMOO 2011??

I have been training with Power for almost 2 years now, but I have never used WKO+ before.

I have either used PowerAgent or looked over the file in TrainingPeaks.

This fall when I start the Off Season program I will get on WKO+, but here is my question. 

Is there any real benefit or something I will be able to learn, identify or figure out before Ironman Wisconsin if I buy WKO+ that will help me better strategize my race day execution?




  • If you are willing to take the time to learn WKO and really analysis your race simulation files, yes, I believe that you can learn something. What I like about WKO is you can create any different intervals you want and then look at all the details of those intervals and compare them accross files. This allows you to look into excatly how you paced yourself in the simulations and see what happened with your HR and speed with minor changes in power. Pay attention to things like hourly averages, changes in VI, cadence, or heart rate decoupling accros the ride. Also look for where and how much you coast (i.e. zero power).

    That said, the larger benefit to me is the PMC chart and 30 day averages charts, which will likely be of very little use to you at this point. I do think that when you get WKO you should take the time to load in all of your workouts from the last 2 years and look back and analysis everything, however I don't think right now is the time to do that. Thats a good project for the off or out season so you can plan your next year out.
  • +1 on this being a better idea for after the race. Any kind of analysis you'd be trying to do now (while also trying to learn) is bound to just add anxiety to your race plan. You are likely dialed in and ready, don't try to complicate things now image But, like Matt said, definitely download all the information you can to it afterwards to look back and learn a lot. Crucible files from P are also a good teacher.
  • I agree with Matt's second point. For me the value of WKO+ is its ability to provide a look back over the season or previous seasons via the PMC data to analyze my numbers and see when I have dug myself into too deep of a hole, or correspondingly, not raised my training levels to where they should be prior to a race.

    I find the day to day stuff similar to watching day to day moves of the stock market - interesting but not necessarily compelling enough to get excited about.

    I suspect that if you have your FTP numbers nailed down, then by following EN protocol, you should have a decent race plan.
  • Are you on a Training Peaks PAID account or free account?

    If you are on a PAID account, can you look at arbitrary intervals on the bike (or run, for that matter) to get the statistics for them? Or are you still stuck as it used to be where you just got the overall numbers (and maybe the pre-keyed in laps...don't remember for sure on that).

    If you are on a PAID TP account, you already have the PMC chart, MMP chart, etc.
  • Ok, thanks I think I will just wait until after IMOO.

    William, I have a paid account with Training Peaks.
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