1/2 IM end OCT best way to use EN to help prepare
Gentleman I know it's quite late but I just really found your website lately so.... It it reasonable to look at a training plan for a race that is only 10wks out. I have a reasonable base but am not where I would like to be. If not I can always use it for next years races.
Paul Seropian
Yes, it's enough, as long as you're not completely getting off the couch now to start your training
. The difficulty may be in adjust to how we train vs how you may already be training, as Mike said, and also wrapping your head around our terms, training zones, etc.
Good luck bud
Thanks again
A lot of comments about the difficulty of the EN plans. Here's the deal:
We focus on the work performed in the hours that life gives you. Therefore the weekly volume of our plans become relatively fixed and we manage/manipulate the intensity of the workouts to increase training stress, forcing your body to adapt. This means a lot of interval training, Zone 3-5 stuff.
Depending on your triathlon background, you may not have done a lot of Zone 3-5 interval work so it can take a little adjustment to wrap your head around how we define work around here. In other words, you're definition of "hard" is likely not our definition of hard and there can be some friction, a bit of a disconnect, as you work to calibrate your hard to our hard.
In our experience, hundreds of athletes across 4-5 years, this is 100% mental. You've got it in you, the ability to push yourself harder than you are now, you just don't know it yet
. One of the huge benefits of our OutSeason plan is you learn a new definition and perspective on what hard is. This creates the ability to push yourself in training = you go faster, but this ability to push yourself in training also expresses itself in racing. You're able to go to the Pain Well, so to speak, on race day because you've gone there many, many times in training.
Patrick and I have been in the game for a long time. We've worked with a lot of athletes and see varying abilities to hurt themselves. This ability to take yourself to a dark place -- or not -- is easily worth 3-5 minutes in a half and much more in a full IM.
Thanks, just want to put the "hard" into a bigger perspective.
Did you mean 35' swim by any chance? 25' for a 1.2 mile swim is a top of the food chain AG swim time. Good for you if that's correct!