Home Summer HIM Training 2011 Group Discussion-Summer HIM Training 2011

Week of Sept. 5

Duplicate post from the last one I added to the Aug. 29th week.  Realized it was a new week!

Matt- Looks like some awesome work last week, and some smart decisions. Your stats from your bike look great, and fast!

I've been a bit of a slacker this weekend. Had a big party Sat. so Sat. was prep & party, Sunday was cleanup and recovery. My body does not like changes in diet at all. I had a whopping 2 beers (Bud Select 55, doesn't get much lighter than that) but I think what I get is a "carb-induced" hangover the next day.

I did my long run today since I bagged it yesterday. Right now I'm on the SC plan + half-marathon hack. I can't seem to get my @#$%* Polar watch calibrated right so I did a total or 8-9 miles at a pace of 5-5.8mph. Very frustrating. Big difference in speed there. I'll try to recalibrate one more time. Either way, felt good and very steady pace (whatever it may have been!)

Fridays' workout was a swim bike run. Swam 8 x 100 with first 50 sprint, 2nd 50 easy. (My race next week is only .5mi swim) Then did 4 x 2.5' on the spin bike:

#1: 2:45, avg bpm 160

#2: 2:31, avg bpm 159

#3: 2:32, avg bpm 158

#4: 2:32, avg bpm 158

Then a quick treadmill run, 1 mi 10:55, avg bpm 153.

Feeling psyched and confident for race on Sunday. It is the 3rd time I've done this race (first tri I ever did in 2009) so I want to nail it!


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