I broke my helmet, or it just fell a part, and I bought a Bontager. It is a good helmet for a rodie but in the areo position it keeps slipping down right above my eye brow. It is fully adjusted but i'm not happy with it.
I stopped at a bike shop today and was given some extra pads for the inside to perhaps stop this from happening, I'll know after my RR this Saturday for sure.
Has anyone else had this happen to them and if so what have you done to correct the situation and does anyone one have a helmet that they recommend. ?
Here is a forum link on helmets including aero ones http://members.endurancenation.us/Training/TrainingForums/tabid/101/aft/1225/Default.aspx
I have two, with one for training and an aero one for racing. My race helmet is a Rudy Project that I really like. Here is a link to it http://www.rudyproject.com/products/helmets/wingspan.html
ps the Rudy has lot of adjustment.
Over the years I've used a lot of helmets for road and Mtn biking - Specialized, Giro, Bell, etc. My favorite is the Lazer. It has an (elegantly simple) adjustment system consisting of a wire imbedded in padding which surounds the skull like a headband, and is adjustable with a simple dial on the top of the helmet near the back. No extra pads needed. And the plastic covering the foam has a more muted, almost brushed appearence, unlike the shiny stuff used in other brands. My model, the "O2", cost < $75.
@ Al , as always Thx , I like the price !