Run Test or more of the same
All I'm going to say is just like my FTP is going to remain the same, so will my vDot.
What a joke this test was. I could barely hold on to my current threshold pace, much lest any faster. I also really struggled to get to the 5k mark. I was mentally not focused and started out tired (slept through alarm #1 even). It is also somewhat chilly outside today and I was running into a headwind at times, usually right when the hills came. Excuses...
Anyway…I shall soldier on at my current paces.

Let's hear how everyone else is doing!!
I wasn't looking forward to this test. I wanted to try and negative split, but just couldn't hold onto the pace which really dropped off after the first mile. My splits were 5:47, 5:58, 6:01. However, I tested 8 seconds faster than last time for 18:20 or 5:55 pace. LTHR was the same at 175bpm. vDot increased 1 point to 55. This is still well off of my best 5k time of 17:44, but hey it's the OS for a reason right?
Good luck to everyone else testing today or later this week! Bring it!
Sorry you guys are having trouble, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone!
I'm wondering if maybe some of us just respond better to different training methods? Granted, I thought the 30-30s and shorter, faster runs were a lot of fun and a good change of pace, but I personally don't feel like I made any particular fitness gains. Note: I skipped out on testing this time around; it's purely a subjective assessment. Fred, you seemed to do great this time around - maybe you respond well to hard fast stuff! Olivia, maybe your body prefers longer work.
I trust the coaches completely, but am looking forward to (I can't believe I'm about to say this) longer intervals again.
How does everyone else feel about this round of tests?
Fred, thanks for the positive energy right now as some of us have struggled this testing round. Olivia and Kristin, I'm with you I'm thinking my body didn't respond to well to the VO2 Max training. But, I too am trusting our coaches and if anything it was mentally nice to change things up. Also, as Fred reminds us it's the OS right now, so no need to stress out...I'm telling myself that right now, repeatedly.
I'll post my run test results later today.
Good luck Pete, Marc, Mark, Tom and Sheryl!
Kristin, are you still feeling weak in general? If so, have you tested your iron level lately? Just a thought. I don't mean to be parental. I'm just an intersted team mate.
Since I joined you all in week 9 this was my first 5k test.
Was pretty happy as I was unsure what I should aim for pace wise. I did a 22:43 (7:21, 7:21 and 7:18). My best estimate of previous vdot was 41 or so and was based on 10 k training runs and sprint tri 5 k efforts ( the last one in the 24:xx range - but with a broken toe.
So 42.8 feels pretty good.
Tom N
Thom, great job on your first test! It's nice to see the numbers showing progress blaring in your face.
Olivia and Kristin, I really don't worry about you two as you're so dedicated as shown by consistency. I like your idea of tossing this week's testing results out the window.
Nice job Fred and Tom! Got my test done at lunch today and it is up slightly but stays at 43 due to rounding (42.9 versust 43.2) . I am happy with this on 2 counts. 1) I ran it faster and 2) my paces don't increase for future workouts
Cool Mark
! I like the part about not having to run faster intervals. Nice job!
Steve, good thought on the iron, but it should be fine. I had a complete set of normal labwork recently, I eat red meat 1-2x/week, and take a multivitamin daily. My treadmill run felt stronger today. I hope to be able to hold tomorrow's bike intervals with no problems! Thanks for checking!
I am still a day behind. Thanks for the mojo or positive vibes that were sent my way last night, they helped with an increased ftp. If anyone has any left I will do the vdot test in the AM, with the way my legs feel right now I need all the help I can get. I know not everyone was pleased with their tests but we made it through test week, I am excited to get back to the rest of the os. Good luck with the weekend workouts!
Looks like I'm keeping with the title of this thread. After a decent gain on my FTP test, my VDOT test was only 3 seconds faster than last time. meh.
So I guess I'm in the same boat as Mark, a slightly higher VDOT score but still the same training paces...which is definitely good cause my current run paces are hard enough!
Oh and I learned that my legs don't like doing FTP intervals first thing in the morning after an evening run race. Even the 10' intervals were crazy painful! But at least now I get to rest them before Saturday's welcome 30/30s.
Good luck to everyone who still has tests left! All this hard work is gonna pay off, right?
Good luck to everyone that still needs to test this week. We are getting stronger even if the tests don't always reflect it. So keep of the effort, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Peter, Nice gain!!! very well done.
Sweet!!! Nice job Pete, Marc and Tom. Tom sounds like you finally jumped off the palteau
Fred - it was great to see your awesome pic from before your bike test in the weekly update!! Sweet!
Thanks Olivia (and yeah, that was kind of cool eh?)!
Folks, don't sweat it. You have to get fatigued -- and then recover -- to get stronger. If you haven't recovered yet, you will definitely do so by the end of the OS. Your hard work will pay off!