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My latest locker room antics


I go to the 24hr fitness gym down the street from my office yesterday to hit the ol dreadmill for a 2hr run (or more appropriately, 2 one hour runs - one right after the other). Note, this isn't exactly a ghetto neighborhood, it's an office park type of an area.

I go into the locker room, and put my shoes in the locker, then shirt on top of that, then rolled my jeans (with my wallet in left front pocket), then underwear. The idea is this is the exact order I'd put them on after the workout. Change into my tri shorts and tank top. Get my two water bottles filled, iphone ready with the headphones, garmin, visor and towel.

Of course, as soon as I'm ready to go, I realize I have to go to the bathroom.

I put all that stuff on top of my clothes, lock the locker with my little 3-digit combo lock, and head to the stall.

I'm in the stall no more than 5 minutes, I swear. I come back out and unlock my locker. Open the locker door and notice all my stuff is dissheveled. Iphone is laying on the side, water bottles tossed, jeans on top of the stack. I am thinking WTF? I know I didn't leave it like this.

So I look and my jeans had been unrolled, and my wallet was out of the pocket. I open the wallet, and all my cash is missing. Not the whole wallet mind you: not my DL, not my credit cards (incl my corporate Amex), insurance card, a few stamps, a losing lottery ticket...everything else except about $70 cash. How in the hell did that guy know exactly where my wallet was? Guess I'll never know!

Whatever jackass stole my cash left behind my whole wallet, my iphone (which was unlocked) and car keys. Random.

An older gentleman ended up near me right as I was expressing some 4-letter frustrations after seeing this. He told me some guy was kicking my locker just a little bit earlier (guess if you kick the locker hard enough, it'll dislodge the door enough to open it). The old guy made a joke with him about forgetting his lock combo, but didn't do anything else. I guess he didn't realize it wasn't the other guys locker until I opened the lock and started swearing.

I went to the front desk and filed an 'incident' report. There's supposed to be some formal videotape review by the local PD, but I don't expect the guy to get caught. If he's in the gym, he's obviously a member - or something close enough to get in. Great, so now he'll probably be stalking me! Guess I'm taking my car keys, wallet and more important stuff with me to the dreadmill every time.

And, yes, I did still end up doing my 2hrs on the dreadmill. And what was left of my stuff was still in the locker when I finished.

What a day!!!


  • That sucks, but obviously he's a good thief---iphone, credit cards, car, etc are all trackable. Cash, not so much. Good prank would be to get your hands on some counterfiet bills and stick them in the wallet!
  • Man, that sucks big time. I do most of my training indoors and a lot at gyms and I am always worried. In July I did have my wallet stolen with DL, CC, cash, Ins card, etc. Boy was that a bugger to fix. Fortunately other than the lost cash, no other liabilities incurred. You hate to lose the $$ but it is a lot better than worrying about someone running around with your personal info. See you in IMAZ!
  • Scott,

    That sucks. Interesting that the guy opened up the locker with someone else watching then took the cash out and moved on.  Nice job getting the run.


  • Man, that sucks big time...just know that karma will get him!
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