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2012 Season / Team Update From Da Coaches...

Folks, Rich, Daniel and I have been hard at work behind the scenes building out some super cool stuff. This is your official heads up so you know we haven't fallen asleep at the wheel...  image 

  • Our 2012 Training Plan Sale / Membership Push Begins In October -- You'll see multiple messages going out about a training plan sale and options to join the Team. If you know anyone who could benefit from the EN experience, now is the time for them to start paying attention. Joining / Starting in the Fall means they get a full year of EN goodness and can expect the full impact of our protocols (and your support!) on their tri fitness. Point your friends to the Join Page to create a FREE Trial or to the EN Store here.
  • Yes, that means there are new plans! -- We wrote the public/PDF plans first for the sale and are now in the process of updating the online versions of your plans...keep your fingers crossed neither Rich nor I booger this up! If you want to see what the big edits are, you can read this blog post.
  • We are about to roll out a newly revised Data Tool -- That's right, a data tool that's integrated with everything else EN, the way it SHOULD be. This has been Daniels' baby for a long time and we are really excited to share the final version with you shortly!
  • We are piloting a sleeper cell in Chicago -- Jennifer Burbatt has agreed to help facilitate EN activities in the Chicago/mid-west area, in exchange participating peeps get a free quarterly social event and much more. We want to do more "local" and if you think your region has potential, please get in contact with us!
  • We are outlining new Race Central Updates -- Thanks to John Stark's hard work, Race Central is one of the "busiest" pages on all of EN. Clearly you like it and you want more...so we are working on it. Stay tuned for more race goodness in early 2012!
  • We are working on some retention deals -- About 1 in 4 athletes who try EN, stay with EN longer than 3 months. We are working hard to make EN a place that people want to stay for the long haul...if you have tips/advice, please share them!
  • We are almost done with our race sites -- Specific to each Ironman (like Ironman Lake Placid), these sites are meant to be informational ways that newbies can find EN and hopefully get to learn more about us and even sign up. These will soon be released to the Free Resources page.

That's it...although that's a lot...I am sure I missed something! Thanks for all your support and for making EN so cool!



  • Options
    • We are about to roll out a newly revised Data Tool -- That's right, a data tool that's integrated with everything else EN, the way it SHOULD be. This has been Daniels' baby for a long time and we are really excited to share the final version with you shortly!



    This means that in your online training plan...instead of saying 

    Long Run 2 hours at LRP with  6x1' strides at IP

    It will now use your custom training zones according to your lates vDOT

    Long Run 2 hours at 8:41/LRP with  6x1' strides at 6:35/IP

    Its pretty slick.


  • Options
    That's not slick...it's SICK! image
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