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late season 2012 ironman. which one?

Kona goal wise,   Florida or Arizona a better option?    M45-49.

Arizona times look more doable.     But Florida a faster course?




  • Florida can be fast, BUT, if you are a smaller person with lower watts, you aren't going to have the same advantages that you would against big dudes with big watts on a hilly course. Wind is also a factor at Florida that many folks forget about, and again, smaller watt folks just don't have the same w/kg ratio advantage in the wind. Additionally, the truth is, it's a draft fest. You CAN ride legal, BUT....... I think Florida can be great if you are going for a PR Ironman time, but might not be great for a Kona slot depending on what your personal strengths are as an athlete.

    I can't really speak for Arizona as well. I understand it's also fairly flat and prone to bad winds. So perhaps they aren't very different from that point of view.
  • Nemo et al,

    I am 185 pounds.   6 foot 6 inches.    340 ftp.      4 watts per kg.     So looking to do over 240 watts NP for a race. 

    So I assume a flat course would work well for me.         Though with my big frame, the wind is a factor.   


  • There's no such thing as a "better" course for Kona qualification; leave that concern out of the equation. I've done both, and here's my thought: I would go back to Arizona, and I would not do Florida again. I like the AZ course better, Tempe is a better town than Panama City, and air transport is much more of a hassle into PC, especially from Sea-Tac. The swim is smooth and one loop in AZ, beach/waves and two loops in FL. Three loops is more spectator friendly on both the bike and the run, and much less mind-numbing to the bikers and runners.

    The Nov wind issue in AZ is not nearly the problem it was in April, which is where the wind rep came from for AZ. The days are much shorter and cooler in Nov, so here is much less time for the afternoon heat generated winds to develop. BUT - this race wil sell out FAST online. Word has gotten around how much fun it is.

  • @ Robin - join me in Cozumel for Thanksgiving! I've done IMFL and IMAZ so I'm going for something new.

    @ Al - I graduated from high school in Panama City, FL and my parents are there. I know the town. I don't know when you last did IMFL, but the new "international" airport opened up in the past year or so. I haven't flown in, but Southwest now flies there making it much more accessible than it was in the past. The two races definitely have a different flavor. As a tie breaker, I would note that of the four (admittedly few) I've done to date, nothing has matched the "Girl Zone" on the IMFL run for a rush of adrenaline!
  • A couple or so years back the host of the long gone webcast Tri Talk measured all the IM courses, at that time, for Kona qualifications. He noted that IM FL, while flatter, tends to get many fast racers, including those from Europe. The result, in his estimation, was that you really need to be rocket fast to qualify for Kona at IM FL. His recommendation at the time for AG Kona qualifier wannabees was IM China - a reasonable number of slots, and because it is out of the way, less fast, hard bodies in your AG.
  • @ AL O - I wouldn't even consider an IM in China or Japan given their track record of cancellations.
  • If you don't mind hot and humid, Cozumel is a great race. Great community support, beautiful swim over a reef, 3 lap bike with maybe 10 miles of crosswind (no wind otherwise, crosswinds are nothing if you live in an area with wind), and a hot flat 3 loop run through the town and north (about half w/ some shade). Pretty cheap to travel there too. Riding at 240w NP you'd crush that bike course, it's a pancake. Qualifying times there were pretty reasonable when I raced (not that I was even close). I'm debating IM FL or back to Cozumel for my last race next year...
  • Thanks all.

    For 2010, the fourth place in my age group:  (the last slotters).

    florida   9:37

    arizona   9:42

    cozumel  9:37

    So not that much difference across the board. 

    Think I'm leaning towards Arizona.

    Though if I can't sign up for Arizona online will I have missed the opportunity to sign up for Florida ???

    All these races holding the 50 total slots for 2012 ???

    Cozumel.    Hot not good for big guys.         Would have to try a Torbjorn.    The last and fourth slot went to Ken Glah in 2010 so would be fun racing against former pros.

    Florida may be hot too I assume.  

    Regardless, would be fun to put the power into a flat course.   I was able to do the 240 np for Regensburg (fairly hilly) and hoping to be stronger next year.     Of course there is the wind to content with.

  • Wind isn't that bad on a flat course as you have absolute watts on your side, and you still roll well. I think AZ will suit you better. Guess you might have to do a foundation slot if you don't get in...but not too bad. AZ will be cooler than FL and COZ (well, FL was randomly freezing last year) but you'll still have to be able to handle the heat!
  • Righto.   Thanks coach and all.

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