If You Think EN Is So Cool...
Thanks to so many of you for your emails about the annual price reduction. As you know every year we work to drop the price of our members until, well, we can't afford to anymore.
We took $20 off the price of over 400 members, meaning an $8k a month paycut, because we know that supporting you and keeping you for the long term is a big win for the Team. I challenge you to find this type of practice anywhere else in the business world. I for one know that nothing else in my life is getting cheaper!
For those of you doing the math at home, please don't tell my wife what just happened.
Basically we need about 80 new members to make up for the price change...and we have a goal of adding about 150 to the roster for the 2012 season. So, if you really truly deeply love EN and the fact that we probably just saved you $240 this year, could you please:
- Put a note on Facebook or a comment on our Facebook page;
- Write a post to your blog about EN, or put something about EN in the sidebar (links help!);
- Tell your friends how wicked cool we are; OR
- Anything else you can think about.
As a membership-oriented business, we live and die by your support. We really appreciate the fact you have chosen EN...this is the one time a year when it would be REALLY GROOVY if you told others about us.
Thanks Team!
PS -- If you didn't get an email about a price change...it might be that you're already at the lowest possible price point!
PPS -- If you think you should have gotten one, it could be in your spam filter. Please wait for your next billing cycle and we can sort it out if it didn't happen.