Tips for Anti Fogging the Goggles
What tricks have helped you out with this?
For the first time ever, I had to stop & tread to wipe my goggles during my last race. That was after swimming pretty blind for a couple of minutes. I'd like to avoid this in my next race.
The only thing that works for me is Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo. One drop in each side, rinse a few times. Nice too because it is cheap for small bottle ($1) and can find anywhere.
It's free and works like a charm.
I use Brian's method but with any available soft soap, then I try not to touch the insides with my fingers, as I usually have sunscreen on them which gets inside the goggles and fogs them up. I may also leave just a few drops of water in each lens and let that roll around and defog the lenses.
I haven't tried toothpaste, but if you use that, again, look for one that doesn't have a particularly strong taste or smell.