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New: TeamEN Referral Program -- your friends save $600 on a year of EN!!


Rich and I have just closed the books, administratively on 2011: Kona is around the corner, we’ve rewritten our training plans and we are in the process of revamping the membership experience for 2012.  October is our month-long training plan sale and membership recruiting drive -- an opportunity for those not on the team to either purchase a training plan at 30% off, or join the Team at $99/mo vs the $129/mo street price.

In advance of this membership drive we took $20-30 off the monthly fee of over 400 members:

  • $129/mo reduced to $99
  • $99 reduced to $79
  • $79 reduced to $59
  • Note that if you didn't receive a price-bump email from us, that's because you're already at our best price and we SINCERELY thank you for being there with us at the beginning and continuing to be a member!!

As your coaches, we feel our job is to help you become a better self-coached athlete, effectively coaching ourselves out of a job. We understand that our value to you, as coaches and training plan curators, decreases the longer you are a member.  EN becomes much more about the community and resources we have all built together, as a Team.

We also understand that the tri-world offers you many choices, not the least of which is to take what you’ve learned here and go it alone.

Finally, it just felt like the right thing to do in advance of this $99/mo membership drive. We’re not the cable company or Gigaphone cell company, and it just seemed cheesy to have people who pulled the trigger a few months ago paying 30% more than people who just signed up.

Thanks to so many of you for your emails about the annual price reduction. To do the math for you, we just gave ourselves an $8k a month, $96,000/year paycut, because we know that supporting you and keeping you for the long term is a big win for the Team. I challenge you to find this type of practice anywhere else in the business world. I for one know that nothing else in my life is getting cheaper!

But now it’s our turn to ask you to help us out by referring your friends to Endurance Nation.

TeamEN Referral Program: They Save YOU SAVE!

If you dig EN, and know friends and training partners who could also benefit from the coaching, support, and value we provide, please send them to the Team. All referrals will start at $79, and more importantly your membership will rate will drop from $99 to $79 (when applicable).

Step 1: Encourage them to create a free 5-day trial membership...but don’t send them to the Join tab on the homepage. Instead, send them to our double top secret squirrel Insiders-only page here. Your friends, if they decide to join, will receive:
    • 12 months of TeamEN membership at only $79/mo vs the street price of $129.
    • Their choice of a Ironman Course Talk on the 90-day anniversary of their membership.
    • Eternal indebtedness to you, for having saved them $600 for a year of TeamEN.

If they dig it and decide to join...awesome! Great to have them on board!

Step 2: If they don’t dig the team, no worries, they can still take advantage of our 30% training plan sale...you’re still a hero!

What’s in it for me?

If you are at $99/month, your rate will be dropped to $79/month for the remainder of the year -- a savings of $240!

If you already pay less than $99, then there’s no money on the table and here’s why:

Rich and I have been busting our asses for 4yrs: supporting you in the forums 7 days a week, creating massive amounts of content, aggregating resources, creating a space full of wicked smart peers eager to share their knowledge with you. We’ve been at every US Ironman since 2007. We’ve put on mostly-free camps, trained with you, had beers with you, been behind the finishline to greet you and hand you a cell phone to call your spouse/family...after having introduced him or her to 40 other SO’s at our team dinner.

In short, you know us and you know how hard we’ve worked for you. But we’ve never really asked you so directly to refer your friends to Endurance Nation. So...we’re asking, we’re going to remind you frequently over the next few weeks, and we’re hoping all our hard work has convinced you to stand by us. Please see above! :-)

But seriously, as a membership-oriented business, we live and die by your support. We really appreciate the fact you have chosen EN...this is the one time a year when it would be REALLY GROOVY if you told others about us.

Thanks Team!

Patrick and Rich

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