Finishing up week 6
How's it going y'all? Hope we're all pushing through the week 6 weekend workouts with solid efforts. As Kristen pointed out in another thread, we have an extra day off next week in prep for our tests in week 8. Seems like a pretty nice carrot to help us through. Imagine! I'm getting psyched to see some good improvements in numbers....Stay hydrated and go hard!!
PS: I'm going to miss the stellar selection of emoticons from the 3.0 forums. What will we do without the smiley with the whip?!?
Week 6 has been somewhat of an embarrassment to me. My run was ok, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's challenge of 2X 1.5 mile intervals. My sister abandoned me to run 18 fast miles today (I hate her a little
), but at least the dog will run with me tomorrow! However, I've used the double excuses of the lingering effects of a migraine as well as a steadily worsening cold to allow me to give less than 100% on my bike intervals. I need to get it together next week!
Let's hear your success stories from this week, team! I need the kick in the pants!
I just finished up Week 6. Each week I should be done by Saturday as my off days are Sunday and Thursday. Honestly, I find that I had to dig mentally deeper than I'm use to this week. No one workout came easy. I've never had to go so hard for each workout during the week before. Even our so called recovery efforts are hard. I know my legs are ready for a rest. I just don't feel the perkiness in the legs that I'm searching for. But it looks like week 7 will give us more rest time than we are used to
. It snowed today and there's about 1 inch accumulated on the ground. Winter must be here in southeastern Utah.
Good job to everyone in plugging away this week. Especially you Kristen you definitely got the double whammy and some how stil did at least part of the workout. I'm sure I would have just made it a rest day if I was in your shoes. Please don''t be too harsh with yourself.
Mark, nice to see a posting from you. I agree May will be here sooner than we know. I'm assuming your in for IMSG too?
Thanks Captain Olivia for your encouragement. By the way I noticed your projected VDOT and FTP, sweet!!! I'm sure you'll get there with all the hard work you're doing.
so i am not feeling particularly happy or perky
What? "looking forward to the testing?" You DID just say that out loud. You know what they say though, if you say something outloud you are more likely to achieve...or something to that effect. Can you say it again for all of us please.
Ugh! sicknes! You're going to need to take care of yourself so you're ready to roll in week 8. Thank goodness for the extra rest day this week. Sounds like you really need it. Get lots of fluids, vitamin C, elderberry, zinc, etc. We need you healthy for the testing!
That snow from Utah is now settling in over Denver. That may mean I'm indoors for tomorrow's run intervals....we'll see though. As long as it's not icy or too wet I may just try to "get'r dun" (can a girl say that?) outside.
Hey Mary -- Not sure I can help, but....will try....
So you're entering all of the values except vDot and it's not calculating? Since it's been a while since I entered data in there, can you tell me what happens when you go back to the nav bar in the Data Tool , expand the menu under "Tests," and then click to expand the item that says "tests" are there any vDot values shown in the run section? I'm wondering if the info is saving, but just giving you any sort of clue that it's happening.
This may be something you'll want to ask for help with in the "general training" or "pace and power" forums.
Another alternative way to get your vDot score (and then give the darned form what it wants and then see if it will work
would be to go to and click on the left menu option for "vDot Calculator". Maybe that will help???
Keep us posted!
Mary- Post your problem out in the Admin or General Forum to get more exposure to your problem. I can't imagine why it's asking you to enter your Vdot- it should calculate it.
Did 4 of the 5 days of workouts this week just missing Thursday again but that was my last 30 hour work day until Dec 16. I start nights this Weds so I'll be working approx 1730 until 0630 the next morning covering the NICU and attending complicated deliveries. At least it's a steady schedule and only 5 days a week which will simplify getting all the workouts in for me. Plus it's my happy place in the hospital if such a place exists.
On to week 7,
Lynne, you are right, 2x1.5 miles was not as horrible as feared.
Not easy, but possible. I'm so jealous that you live in Hawaii! I have vacationed there multiple times, and each time I find myself scoping out veterinary hospitals, wondering if they need another vet... My sister did the first year of her residency there and she still mourns the fact that she is back in Texas every day.
I'll have to try those Planet Earth DVDs. They sound very inspiring!
On to week 7, team! Let's work hard and rest well!
Never thought about watching animals get chased by each other to motivate one to go harder....I imagine that would work!
I really do swoon about your weather stories, Lynne. Yesterday I woke up to 6 inches of snow on the ground, which meant that I had to do my long intervals on the treadmill. Ended up not being as bad as I thought, but it took a little extra mental push to go get it started.
We did it you all!! Here we are in week 7 and getting ready to focus on our first tests...hard to believe. Time flies when you're having fun.