Help! Knee issues...
Chased my girlfriend around watching her marathon last Sunday in flipflops and probbaly jogged/walked about 6-7 miles. Legs were sore so I bumped my Sunday 50min run to Monday. At the end of the run the bottom of my hamstring and the outside of my left knee started to hurt. I didn't run last week to give it a few days to heal but kept biking. Yesterday's workout was 90min bike with a few longer z4 intervals and then a 20min run. It felt fine on the bike and the outside of the knee was just a little sore on the run (hamstring was ok). After getting home I could barely walk and spent the rest of the day icing/elevating and taking IB. Feels better this am but still really sore. The pain is a strong dull ache towards the outside of my knee maybe 2cm inside from the actual side and a little towards the back.
Anyone have any ideas? A doc friend that I was riding with suggested that maybe it was from mashing the pedals too hard. It's actually only sore in the range of motion that would be from about 7 to 4 on my pedal stroke (it's my left knee) and that is from the very end of my toe-off when running and when I start to bend it to start the next stride. Thinkin that it could also be a bike fit issue, I moved things around a few weeks ago and may have set the saddle a little too high for my left leg, which is maybe .5cm shorter than the right (I'm getting in touch with Todd at TTbikefit this week to fix this...). Also, I've spent more time chasing z4 watts in intervals and have been dropping my cadence a little (to 85rpm) to hit the watts, so I'll admit to mashing more than I should be. Anyone have any ideas? I think I'm stuck aqua jogging and lower bike intensity for a little while...
Can you see someone for muscle work? Someone skilled to release these muscle and maybe mobilize the fibulae head and your hip?
The seat height could be an issue and TT bike fit will be a perfect addition.
I would ice it, roll your ITB, roll lateral HS and quad and your lateral shin.
Avoid stuff that jacks it up for atleast 7 days. If riding easy is ok, ride. If riding hard is ok, go hard. Just avoid pain or thongs that cause pain later for atleast a week. Let it calm down.