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optimal arrival for Kona heat acclimitization

2 weeks before the race?   10 days?   Please remind me ... major adaptations occur after how many days of training in a hotter climate?

Current thinking is shipping out the Thursday, getting me a solid 8 days of heat before race day.  Open to advice, though. 

And yes ... I know it's a year away.   But I'm trying to line up aeroplan frequent flyer points for a party of 5-6, so I want to book flights before things start to fill up. 



  • I'd say that's good, and even if 10 days is "better" know that you are doing better than 85% of your competition!!!!
  • The simplistic bottom line on acclimation is: 3 weeks gets you 95% acclimated, 10 days gets you about 65-70%. Depending on your finances and time available, you could get just yourself there two weekends + in advance, rent a simple one peson space for yourself until the posse arrives, then shift to something bigger. The top pros I've seen arrive are generally there 10 days +/- in advance. There are a fair number of obsessive age groupers who show up 3 weeks in advance. My earliest arrival was 2 weeks + 3 days in advance, with my wife arriving the Monday before the race. 

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