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Update on 2012 Training Plans

[Edited to add info on Single Sport Block Plans - 10/29 by Coach P]

Hi Folks,

As you know, our 2012 plans have been available, and on sale in store, since late September. Those plans have not yet been recreated into the platform here but we're working on it.

This is a 3 step process:

  1. Rewrite the 2011 plans to create the 2012 plans as .pdf's -- DONE
  2. Convert those plans into onebigassexcelspreadsheet which is than sucked into our training plan platform for you to then be able to access in your account -- the OS plans are 98% done. I just have to tweak a few things here this morning. Our goal is to have the OS plans done and available for you by this coming Monday, Oct 31st, the official start of the November OS. Once that's done we'll turn to doing the same for the IM and HIM training plans (doing this .pdf ---> excel dealio above)
  3. Upgrade the training plan platform. Basically, we are completely reworking the DataTool so that the DT and the training plans "talk" to each other -- your training zones automagically appear within your training plan. We will also calculate the TSS for every bike and run workout and display this by workout and the planned total TSS for the week.

#3 is the big one and we see that as being done in parallel with the HIM/IM .pdf ---> excel exercise above. Our timeline for that is based on:

  • We want to do this once, do it right, and not release #3 in a beta version...we want it to be very good, perfect, and very good and that may take some time.
  • Time is what we have because, as I'm doing the Season Plans for all of the members and the trials, very, very few, if any, of you are dropping into IM or HIM plans until...about mid February.

In summary:

  • 2012 OS plans should be available in the current training plan platform by early next week, in time for the NovOS to get their sufferin' on!
  • 2012 HIM and IM in the NEW training plan platform + data tool: early 2012, in time for people to get their long course training on for super early IM's and HIM's next yaer.


The Single Sport Block plans are live today, 10/29, and are meant to be used early for the "Racing In August Or Later" crowd as an early season fitness tool. We are working out some final kinks re formatting and workout times, but those changes will populate down to your plan as we update them...so you can use them, just make sure to post any questions you have as they might not be perfect! Thanks!

{End Edit}



As you know, RnPnEN are committed to continually improving everything about EN -- the plans, the site, content, your experience here, and more. We are a team of 2-4 guys and gals back here behind the curtain workin' hard for you! We appreciate your patience!

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