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Race Plan for Dottie Catlin-IMFL

I am so excited for my first IM. I was a 3-sport, Division I athlete in college, have run 5 marathons and completed 4 HIMs. I think I live a very balanced and happy life (although many think I am crazy). But, challenging myself athletically is just my thing. I THINK I am going to love the IM distance, but we shall see. My goal for IMFL can be broken down into an aggressive strategy (12-13hrs), realistic (13-15hrs), and still okay 15-17. If I DNF I really hope I am not in the hospital!!! I have a great support crew coming-my wife, and our 3 kids, ages 5, 4 and 1. Speaking of kids, this was the reason I decided to join EN and train for an IM-to lose the baby fat after the last pregnancy. That I did! I am still an athena, but I feel good and strong again-ready to do the best I can. I've been with EN since January-Jan OS followed by a few HIM plans, leading up to this IM plan.

OK, so I plan to follow the EN strategy for the day before with a big lunch, early dinner and bed. Lots of water and will start with gatorade after lunch.

Plan to wakeup at 2:30 for 250-300 liquid cals, then 4:30am coffee/cream, nutella & sunbutter sandwich on white bread, banana and gatorade (600 cals). Lots of water. From 6:00am on sipping water. 6:30am a gu with water and a salt tab.


Swimming: I swim so much faster with a wetsuit-almost 10 secs/minute. My last RR this morning was a Half RR and I finished in :40. So, I'll expect to go 1:20 or less. I plan on wearing my full wetsuit, but brought that and a sleeveless one for practice on Wed & Thurs. prior. Have never done a mass swim, but I'm feeling okay about it. I know it'll be interesting, and I plan on just trying to keep my cool, staying in the zone, and with the plan.

T1, smooth and steady. I'm wondering about the temp and throwing around the idea of arm warmers, little gloves, but that's about it. I get pretty sweaty!


Bike: I use infinit on the bike-concentrated 24oz bottle every 3 hours in 15 minute increments. I have a speedfil (40oz) of water and follow each infinit swig with 10 sips of water. 40oz lasts me 1:45. Plan on water sips at :15 & then at :30 into the bike, start in on the infinit. My 2nd 24oz infinit bottle will be in my SN bag on the bike. 200cals/hour. I'll also do 1 salt tab/hour on the bike. If really hot-2/hr, but only if it's 80+. I go on RPE & pace, so hoping to keep it smooth at 18mph, which will get me in over 6 hours.


T2: smooth & steady, change of socks if I want to.


Run: I love to run, but I imagine this being the hardest part-I'm sure it is for everyone. I will go :30 above my Z1 (10:30) for the first 6 miles, walking the aid stations as mentioned. I've practiced this all. Then I will plan to bump it up to my Z1 (10:00) after 6 miles. I will do the best to hold that, but we shall see. I plan on eating a gu every hour and a salt tab too. Water at every aid station. Having never worked out for this amount of time before, I'm hoping that holds me, but I think I'd be okay with coke/broth if it starts to get dicey out there. For SN I only plan on using a LS shirt in case it gets chilly in the dark, and of course will have sunscreen, lube, chapstick, etc.

I can taste the finish. I really hope I will reach my dream of becoming an Ironman!!


Thanks for any tips/thoughts!


  • Dottie, 1 GU per hour on the run seems a tad light at only 100 cals per hour. And you even commented I hope it holds me. Having said that I see alot of race plans of guys much bigger than I consuming the same about as me so its all relative. I see your planning 200 cals per hour on the bike so perhaps this is good for you. Wishing you good skill and I'll cya down there . Tim,
  • Tim--I am still thinking about this. I know some gu's are 190 and some are about 130. I have been using just one of the 130 ones every hour, but as I said, have never tested this at 12+ hours in a row!!!!
  • Dottie, I agree with Tim about the 100 cals an hour being a little light. Can you maybe get on the Coke a little earlier (like right away? :-) ). Have you used caffeine in practice? If not, you might want to be careful, but if you have, you know how you will feel. I think of it as Mama's little helper!

    Maybe the day before you should plot out where your family will be spectating at various parts of the day. It is always something I look forward to - Oh, I get to see them in x miles on the bike or at this segment of the run.

    Only other words of advice: no dawdling in the change tent and enjoy the day!!


  • Thank Ann! Oh yes, I will have a plan for them, but I am not expecting to see them so that if I do it will be a major bonus, but if I don't I won't get knocked down, and can still stay in my zone. I think I'll make sure I eat more on the run/or coke. Thanks so much for chiming in!
  • I'll pile on about needing more calories on the run. Taking a cup (about 6 oz) of coke every third aid station might do wonders, what with the sugar and caffiene. I personally don't leave T2 without it, and I'm an not a coffee drinker.

  • Along with probably needing a bit more calories on the run, I didn't read anything regarding pacing on the bike. Early over-zealousness on the bike is the number one IM race killer. Take it easy for the first two hours; you'll be plenty glad of it at mile 20 on the run.
  • Looks like a solid plan.
    I would caution about the "gloves/arm warmers" and managing them in T1. It can be challenging to get these items on while wet and probably cold from the swim.
    You're gonna rock it!
  • Looks solid to me. The gu every hour has been addressed...I am concerned only b/c your body usually needs less more frequent calories. Hence the water+perform or water+coke at alternate aid stations...and then your water+gel when ready.

    Remember your ability to adapt and evolve on race day will set you apart!!!
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