Computrainer help for Dummies?
So I just got a Computrainer. I actually have not 1 but 2 Engineering degrees... but I'm too lazy to study the 2 long-azz manuals that came with it. I tried to search here, but I also suck at using EN's search fuction.
Does anybody have any quickie how-to guides for using this stupid thing? Do you calibrate every single time you use it? Any tricks for doing an FTP test on it? Do you actually program your workouts ahead of time on the computer or do you just use the handle bar mounted computer? Is it easy to program workouts for intervals? um, how do I do that?
Any advice for quickly switching from one bike to another if my wife and I will both be using it?
Do I still move the files to WKO+ to analyze them or can I do it quickly otherwise?
Anything else useful I should know?
I hear you on the difficulty of learning: I've got 24 years of education and believe I am conversant with the English language, but it took me over 3 months to get comfortable with the dang thing. Part of the problem is the instruction manual is written from the creator's point of view, not the user's. And part is it is not really a Windows program, sort of a mutant MS-DOS thing.
Calibrate every time - YES. If you are using another power meter (such as PowerTap) to analyze your performance, calibration does not have to be precise. If you are using just the CT data itself, then for proper comparison workout-to-workout, make sure you calibrate to the same number, such as 2.0, each time.
Programming workouts in advance? - That's what I do, using a $79 program from TrainingPeaks called Erg+. I create a standard warm-up, a standard cool down, and a few generic Main Sets, like FTP intervals, VO2 sets, or steady-state 80-85%. I can then load each into the CompuTrainer CS 1.6 software, under "Start", using Charts. Otherwise, use the + and - buttons on the CT controller, either in Manual Ergo or SpinScan mode (again, under "Start" in the CS software).
BTW, I mount the controller to my aerobars using this cheap but useful thing from RacerMate (aqt the bottom of the page).
You definitely want to move the resulting power file to WKO. Again, if you have PowerTap's poweragent, you can load via that route. Or, if using just the CT, you have to convert the file via the Export... menu item under "File". It's not obvious how to do that, but here are the instructions from the TrainingPeaks site.
Anything else? Oh, yeah, but this ought to keep you busy for a while!
Appropriately titled for you my friend!
Just got a Computrainer myself. I hope this thread continues and builds upon the advice given so far(which was much appreciated).
Thanks Al! Given that my wife and I will both be using it, I might just get one of those stands instead of the aerobar mount so I don't have to switch it from bike to bike every time, so thanks for the link to the accessories.
Always calibrate for at least 10-15 minutes. I just consider this my warmup. From there I use two different modes:
1) For almost all FTP intervals I go with the ERG mode in the Coaching Software. ERG mode basically adjusts the training load on the rear wheel so that you hit your 400 watts as long as you continue to spin your pedals. You just need to create a ERG file workouts in notebook to get started. Google "ERG file workouts" to get a good explanation somewhere. If you can't find it let me know and I will email you a copy. It seems a little archaic at first but eventually you get the hang of it. You can create a bunch of different workouts for 4x10min, 2x20min, etc.
There are also programs out there like ERG+ and ERGVideo that do this for you but its easy enough it notebook once you get the hang of it.
I don't do VO2 sessions in ERG mode. Either just in the regular coaching software or in 3d mode.
2) For FTP tests, I like to race against the little silver man in 3d course mode. You can download a 40k flat course on the Racermate website and use him as a target. There is a way to also save your previous performance and race against your old FTP test.
I would also invest in one of those special trainer tires. Continental and Tacx make a version and I think it makes a huge difference in consistency and feel of the trainer.
Not sure about the cadence/magnet question.
X2 on what Al and Brandon said.
You're spot on the computrainer software. I got mine on Christmas a couple of years ago. I don't think I got it completely working until New Years! 5 kids and I have to say it was the worst "some assembly required" gift of all time.
With that said, it is a wonderful tool.
I can't agree with Brandon enough about not using the ERG software for the VO2 portion of the season. Theoretically ERG would be awesome--but I always found myself blowing up.
To ensure SAU I tend to build my ERG files and garmin workouts once for the upcoming week or two. This way, I can get up in the morning and just go.
As general question to the haus--is everyone still using the DOS based ERG? Is there something better? My biggest problem with the ERG is that you have to hold the power the entire time. You are either hitting 100% of the power or your not peddling. Is there away to either increase or decrease the power setting during ERG session?
1. Yes, you should calibrate every time -- after about 5-10 minutes of warming up the machine (really the tires).
2. FTP Test: Two choices
a. Pick a course. My suggestion would be to pick one with modest hills (not Alcatraz triathlon). You can chose in setup. A good one in my mind is Ceur D Arlene. (You pick this in set up / load course)
b. A more fun way: buy the ERG Video "Thresholdtest" ( BTW these videos are much better than computrainer videos.
3. The handelbar on computer is useful if you work in ERGOMETER mode (i.e. you pick a powerlevel you want to be at and computer adjusts resistance. so if you slow down, it gets harder).
Again, a more fun way is to buy the ergvideos -- their videos have programs for FTP, interval and Vo2 max work and it calibrates to your FTP.
you can also do the intervals in "normal" mode - its like riding outside. So, if you do interval work, you just have to watch your power and bike harder / less hard to achieve the power your interval requires you.
4. advice for switching bikes
a. get a stand for the yellow computer
b. buy velco tape to more quickly attach cables out of harms way. this is faster than swirling cables around bars/stems of the bike
One more - if you want to create your own workout files with predefined power levels/intervals, this website creates ERG files:
john. any magnet on the crank will work.
gunnar. have seen that web thing many times but can not figure out how to actually use it with the work.
what are the exact keystrokes to plug the thing into the program for workouts?
Not sure if anyone uses PerfPro. It's ~$40 but has a mix of functionality of Erg+ (from TrainingPeaks) and WKO.
It also will automatically detect and import CompuTrainer perf files and do about a billion other things that I have not even played with.
Looks something like this!/photo.php?fbid=10150114008608657&set=a.90643593656.77597.521003656&type=3&theater
Funny you responded on this thread. I recalled that you did an article last year--which I found earlier on Friday--that I found helpful.
I have never been able to figure out why the computer can't find the file. My dumb work around is to take one of the pre-made erg files and make a copy of it. Then highlight and rename it to whatever I want and then go into it and edit it to whatever I want it to be. For some reason the computrainer can see it when I make it that way. Whatever magic code needs to be present gets automatically incorporated in the copy.
I would love it if someone can give a better answer, but this does work.
John - You're not a dummy. That "Realtime" vs "File Mode" issue is "explained" on page 15 of the CompuTrainer Coaching Software manual. I've just now read it over 3 times, and I finally figured out what it meant ... I think. And it still gives no hint of the issue you encountered.