IMC and Vineman 70.3???
I've been around long enough that I know the right answer to this, but... I've got IMC (my second IM) next year the last weekend in August. Was thinking about Vineman 70.3 on July 15th. That's 6 weeks before the race and falls on the weekend of my first RR. I could move the RR the week before or after. Obviously, if I did this, I woulddn't taper for Vineman. Any way this makes sense at all? I missed Vineman this year, and always enjoy that race.
The week before ("no taper") is not as important as what you do the week after. Remember, the weeks 6 >> 3 before an IM are a key time to really build the far on your fast. Recovering from a 70.3 which you actually race (and at the prices involved, to say nothing of the mental boost from racing, you should absolutely RACE, and not just treat it as a "training day") requires at least 3-5 days of altered training days afterwards. Thinking about when and how you do the long run that week, and the weekend bike rides, will be critical to maintaining your building momentum and fitness for IMC.
Thanks for the feedback. Vineman 70.3 actually sold out in 3 hours this morning, so that decision is made (unless I wanted to do it bad enough to get on the wait list). It's probably better anyway. I remember the first EN podcast I ever listened to was the HIM podcast back in 2008 or 2009 where Rich said "why would you waste a perfectly good training day doing a HIM". That's probably even more true of Vineman, since it can be really hot - when that's the case it can take a lot out of you. There's an almost HIM in San Jose in week three of the plan - which is a Big Day week. That will fit a lot better.