Bike power results
General question on my training in the last 5 weeks. I did my bike test before I started the OS training. I tested on a computrainer in the lab of the bike shop I was training in. I now am riding on a computrainer at my house. In 5 weeks I have not been able to hit my numbers. I'm riding a flat course and have calibrated my trainer once I warmed up. I am growing frustrated. Is it possible that the trainer i tested on gave me numbers that much different than i have on an identical trainer at my house? Am I just worn out? Thoughts please.
Thanks all. I will retest in week 8 and I'm in week 6. I will train to precieved power until then.
I always make sure to test on the same device I'll be riding on.
CT is supposed to be ~2.5% accurate.
However, let's say you're truly riding 250w but the bike shop CT is reading 2.5% low and your personal one is reading 2.5% high. That's a 13w difference (243w v. 256w) which is not insignificant.