EN & Lose it!
I finally downloaded the "Lose it!" app for my phone and have now been using it for a couple of weeks. I like it a lot and think it's going to be a very good tool for helping me lose weight with the constant fluctuations in my excercise.
There is a function on this app where you can "add Friends". I added a friend of mine and the nice thing is I can see what this person does as far as nutrition (what they are eating), their excercise and how they are progressing with their goals.
I know on EN we have the Body Comp. group, and the google tracking spreadsheet but thought if there was some way to facilitate using this app & adding EN friends to it might not only help motivate members to stay in check with their eating. It would also help those who are not seeing progress, by be being able to see what is working for others and help them make changes to their own diet. For example, I would be interested in seeing what Coach Rich eats when he is training for Madison and is under a big training load, but still able to cut weight.
At this point, maybe I should make another suggestion. Maybe using a product like Survey Monkey or some other survey tool might help gauge if there is really any EN interest in what I have mentioned? I might be the only one, but I would think those that are trying to lose weight would be very interested in any help they can get.
I guess I am asking, what RnP think of this kind of idea?
Next, is there any way EN could facilitate something like this with the developer or would it be easiest to put up a post under nutrition forum and find those who are interested and exchange email addresses?
This is a good idea and one I wanted to head up this winter before I was decietfully derailed by a member (DAMN YOU DAVE TALLO!!).
Let me wipe this ice cream off my chin and figure out how to do this.